"Let me entertain you....."

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Frederick L Clemens
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by Frederick L Clemens »

But he could have attached the new forum to his old website. If you saw it, you would have to agree that the old website was much more professional looking.
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

But he could have attached the new forum to his old website. If you saw it, you would have to agree that the old website was much more professional looking.
The answer is probably buried away in ONE word in your last post...
Why would Harker create the domain and business only to abandon it?
IRS? Annual accounts? Audits?

And - of course...

How the hell would a claim like that one about 3$ from every sale going to help maintain Allied and German war cemetries survive THAT sort of scrutiny... :shock:

Not every one of Mad Dog Memoirs' war veterans could be as conveniently dead as Schiller LMAO That would be TOO obvious. No business = no accounts = no payments OUT...NOW he can be assessed and taxed as an individual earner...

That's of course assuming "Mad Dog Memoirs" ever WAS a legally-registered company anyway...because assuming the situation is not TOO different from the UK, doing THAT means presenting annual accounts for tax purposes...
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

Well Just LOOK who's joined us tonight!!! :D :D :D
Guest IP: » Whois
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; IEMB3; IEMB3) Reading topic in Books and Reviews
Hello, Paul....

Now that we see you on Feldgrau, welcome to the forum.

It's such a pity you sneaked in that way, if you'd logged in as "RJHart" you could have contributed so MUCH to the debate...
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by Frederick L Clemens »

It was an interesting weekend exploring the PGV website and posting on some of the peculiar things there. Now, it looks like Harker is responding on his forum to what we have been discussing here. I'm not really interested in a back and forth battle. What Harker has posted on his own website has in essence really made our case for us, that is, that his works are bad fiction.

Now that Harker has been exposed, I propose that this thread and others be replaced by more succinct reviews of his books and beyond that we should just let sleeping Mad Dogs lie. Otherwise, I will be deleting my own individual posts since I don't want to be provoking retaliation.
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by stcamp »

Frederick L Clemens wrote:It was an interesting weekend exploring the PGV website and posting on some of the peculiar things there. Now, it looks like Harker is responding on his forum to what we have been discussing here. I'm not really interested in a back and forth battle. What Harker has posted on his own website has in essence really made our case for us, that is, that his works are bad fiction.

Now that Harker has been exposed, I propose that this thread and others be replaced by more succinct reviews of his books and beyond that we should just let sleeping Mad Dogs lie...
I agree. The point has been made. It is out here for due diligence.

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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

Don't worry about retaliation. Why? Look at the long post that's been put up on PGV...
The AHF/Feldgrau crew are morons in my opinion.
Note the "in my opinion. Mister "luger" protecting HIMSELF from libel for that commet...
The recent posts now include stalking and harassment
Stalking? How can be stalking when Harker provided the access information HIMSELF on AMAZON? :D When HE accessed Feldgrau under the FAKE identity of Richard J Hart? When HE was accessing our threads HERE and his sockpuppets said "they" were doing so DAYS before we found our way to PGV...

Harassment? Hmmm... HAS EVEN ONE OF US POSTED ON PGV? I don't think so. Who was it came to FELDGRAU four weeks ago and threatened legal action on an unspecified anyone making defamatory remarks?

"the perceived anonymity of the web makes it easy for these people to harass and threaten others. AHF and Feldgrau have in this regard transformed themselves into Revenge Sites."

Take a look at the slander regarding people's qualifications, published output, intelligence etc. by Harker's anonymous sockpuppets on Amazon for WEEKS before this thread was opened. I seem to remember being very politely called a b@st@rd by "Susan"... :D :D :D
"The ISP may view private e-mail if it suspects the sender is attempting to damage the system or harm another user. However, random monitoring of e-mail is generally prohibited.

The ISP may legally view and disclose private e-mail if either the sender or the recipient of the message consents to the inspection or disclosure.

I have NO idea why he's posted this - but let's look at it any way. Exactly ONE member of Feldgrau has received an EMAIL from Paul K. Harker....and yes indeed this RECIPIENT did consent to disclosure by sharing it with the Moderators.
It's also not right to be posting personal data such as IP numbers without mutual consent. This information is recorded and protected under law but cannot be shared publicly without consent.
No - OUR MEMBER'S IP addresses etc. are recorded and protected under law. Lat time I looked, Paul K. Harker wasn't a member...
Now the boys go fishing for personal data and have posted it all over their "history forums"
Fishing? Nope - live monitoring of the usage of Feldgrau is what we DO. We do it to protect YOU the mebers from commercial and p*rn spammers, banned members attempting to reaccess under false names etc. The secure Feldgrau experience YOU now enjoy without people trying to sell you non-existent laptops, or sex performance drugs, or offering you 14 year old Nigerian brides is BECAUSE some of us do this...AND for free, I might add....(Scottish genes....)
Sounds like the monkeys manning the forums are a tad confused.
Slander? Libel? Defamation? :D :D :D NOW who's supposed to be hiding behind anonymity, "Luger"???
by the by, identifying an IP number doesn't identify its user.
This is of course true. But in THIS strange case it does EXACTLY identify the specific PC. Because I can ping STRAIGHT to that PC. I don't hit a network cable segment on Paul K. Harker's Comcast cable installation. For some strange reason a traceroute. a ping test, a network lookup goes STRAIGHT to Mister Harker's PC.


Let's talk about misrepresentation, Paul...Let's talk about "harassment" shall we?
These statements are inflammatory, unfounded, and differ from opinion in that they serve as accusations. For this reason, an attorney is currently reviewing these posted remarks to determine whether or not action will be taken.
The words of the non-existent "RJHart" USING THIS VERY SAME PC three weeks' ago...a non-existent person threatening legal action. How can a non-existent person do this? Strangely enough - THAT is Harassment...

Shall we look onwards?
At least the admins and moderators here respect privacy and treat the members with respect, dignity and courtesy
Yes, I can fully understand the PGV admins treating members with respect. Or else they'd cut themselves shaving...
There's a remote possibility (very remote) that some of them may be well educated about history.
Oh, HOW many times now have we read THIS particular comment on Amazon...AND using the very same words! So "Dawd" = "Cathy" = "Susan"....ANOTHER fake member identified. Thanks Paul!!! :D :D :D


Paul - why don't you volunteer your web forum for independent audit? THAT should certainly remove ANY questions of fake members, shouldn't it? Come on, PROVE your case! SHOW us we're all SO wrong. AND DO IT WITH ROLF OTTO SCHILLER AND KARL VON METZGER AT THE SAME TIME. Come on! Remove ALL these questionmarks!

And on THAT note I agree. WE can do nothing more if Paul K. Harker fails to carry out his legal obligations, for - no matter what else "anyone" says, and whether Paul likes it or not - the legal position in the United States is that the "affirmer" of something has to prove it - NOT those who raise the doubt as to its authenticity. It's legally concomitant on Paul K. Harker to PROVE the existence of Schiller and von Metzger, just as it's NOW legally concomitant on him to prove the existence of all those hundreds of users of projectgermanveteran.

I think we ALL know what's going to happen on THAT..... :?

P.S. Paul, none of US made you increase the burden of proof on you from just TWO WWII veterans....to 568 board members plus two vets...you did THAT one all on your very own... :shock:
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by Frederick L Clemens »

Phlyo, I appreciate your detective work in unmasking the various charades of Paul Harker. I think though that in the fascination over the audacity and complexity of Harker's game that we are losing sight of the purpose of a forum like this. Feldgrau is not a fraudbuster website at heart. I think it is enough to demonstrate that Harker's works are bad, without chasing Harker himself down. In a similar way, the collector forums try not to get wrapped up in chasing specific dealers for selling fakes.

Ultimately, a debate with someone who doesn't play by honest rules is not going to lead to any satisfaction. Harker's case reminds me of a certain ex-President. Everytime he does something which I think should finally shame him into silence, he does the opposite and twists it into a victory, like Saddam crowing about winning his "Mother of All Battles."
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

You are quite correct. That's NOT what we're here for. However there ARE times - like the Joscha issue - when discussion of a subject can't help but morph into discussion of the person and the motive.

But at the root of the matter let's remember WHY we're all here and reading this - BECAUSE of the questions raised by the two books; about their creation, their content, the lack or corroboration and the sheer lies told about them. Let's remember that we're reading this because someone sought to profit from one of THE saddest and most tragic episodes in human history - by writing about it in the way he did. We COULD have been discussing an inaccurate or accurate reconstruction of events....or an accurate or inaccurate history of the event. I for one would MUCH rather have been :( I'm sure we'd ALL rather have spent the money and been simply disappointed if the books had been plain bad - I'm sure we've ALL bought turkeys before now LOL and consigned them to the bottom shelf, to under the wobbly table leg, or out to the garage sale. We can ALL make bad calls when it comes to buying books...but caveat emptor doesn't apply when you're intentionally SOLD a ringer. THAT puts the responsibility firmly back on the publisher and author...or selfpublisher...

I actually DO agree with something one of Harker's sockpuppets said... :shock:
It's devastatingly sad that the Holocaust took place. It's also disturbing that someone would author a fictional story about it for the sole reason of reaping profit.
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by Frederick L Clemens »

I'd rather see a point-by-point rebuttal of Harker's books than a dissection of his ISP address. Although I can appreciate the utility of using tracking means to uncover a sham, I don't see the point in continuing to monitor him.

We now know the emperor has no clothes, so let's stop staring at him. :shock:
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

Believe me, that is a HORRIBLE thought...

However, unfortunately that's one of things properly conscientious Admin and moderators or webmasters on ANY site do - monitor who accesses the site. It's sad we HAVE to, but we do; you wouldn't believe the amount of work it used to take to keep Feldgrau free of commercial and p*rn spam before the software upgrade made a CERTAIN part of that automatic...but STILL for example EVERY SINGLE MEMBER joining the board has to be checked and authorised by Jason or me or Tom Houlihan!! My private email box has never been the same since!!!

WE do it BOTH for security - AND for trend analysis - quite simply to see which parts of the board are most or least popular, and in turn what we can do to bring in more users, or vary the spread of data inside each Section to ensure a greter number of search engine hits to bring new viewers and potential new users to Feldgrau. But we also HAVE to do it to watch for banned members trying to reenter the site. Remember - on the site YOU see, a user leaves no tracks UNLESS they post...which is really too late...if they're there to harm the site or post in breach of the rules.

I'll give you a VERY good example of it all at work - but it's not here. Take a look at the "Banned Members" thread in AHF, buried away in The Lounge and kept locked; look at the content. Look at HOW many "Banned members" are sockpuppets of a much smaller group of banned users i.e. people who simply won't take no for an answer. And NOW using the Advanced Search facility there...check out exactly HOW many of those are banned BEFORE THEY EVER POST....! Because conscientious webmasters are looking after the security of their site.

The information we need to protect the site IS actually visible to us...just VERY unfortunately THAT part of the system isn't automated! There's nothing packaged on the board software that does any MORE realtime security monitoring EXCEPT to display that data!!! So without someone here, like the proverbial tree that topples unheard in the forest...

THAT is why we monitor who is using the site, and one of the reasons why I'm here now....to close the twelve hours plus gap every day that there was NO live Moderation and monitor on the system...on a worldwide 24/7-available forum while American citizens are eating, breaking wind, sleeping etc. LOL And ALL of it done to protect Feldgrau and improve YOUR experience on Feldgrau.

The average day-to-day user simply doesn't SEE the effort put into Feldgrau until something goes wrong...
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

So on THAT point let's return to

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by Frederick L Clemens »

I don't dispute the necessity for you to monitor and I appreciate that you keep the forum clean of trash. I do dispute the point of poking at Harker any further. I am worried about his mental health.
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

Oh - me too! :wink: It must be a sign of our "intellectual inferiority" :D
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

Scratches head - can anyone tell me why on an aceboard forum an "admin" user should have to be logged ALL the time other posters are posting??? :wink:

P.S. Moving this to "Other Sites" now...

NOW remarkably - "director" AND all the sockpuppets have loged out - at once... :wink:
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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by John P. Moore »

I am in complete agreement with what Phylo has been doing. I'm all for widespread public exposure, to include the press, of Harker's misdeeds. This is a serious matter and an example needs to be made of him.
