Should the continent of Africa be re-occupied by the West?

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

And, if there's any opposition, we can call in the SAF (Sussdesian Royal Air Force) to bomb the refugee camps in Wessex, Wales and London!
France and Israel I'm sure will sell them planes and bombs. Maybe they can import cavalry horses from Scotland and armored cars from Ireland.

Of course, the new Sussdesian landowning population might want an independent nation if the English government finds the cross-border raids and strafing a nuisance, to say nothing of the road mines....

Cheers, D (Yep, he's EviL)
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Post by Jez »

There was no farms in Matebele-land.

The land was arrid uncultivated bush-land.

Rhodesia is not free now.

I dont want a white dominated Africa. I know that a raw material rich continant like Africa should be governed correctly and not be in the state that it has plummeted to since so called 'independance'.

Whats the point of shouting about how criminal the Rhodesians were supposed to be when the Eastern bloc, North Korea China, Russia, Cuba armed, equipped and trained African governments of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) solely to bring down any nation in the African continent that was not a Marxist terror regime.

What about the tens of thousand strong Marxist Zanu bases in the Tete province of Mozambique where they springboarded terror campaigns into Rhodesia to butcher civilians.

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Think About It Jez

Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Think about it Jez, at some point the "natives" of Sussex orrganize to reclaim the family land and cottage. Little three-man cells of Sussexians
run through the night, tossing firebrands into chicken coops and kidnaping cows. A cry runs through the land: "FREE SUSSEX!"
Foreign reporters interview the Sussdesian leadership which vows, "Sussdesia will defend itself!". The English government breaks off relations with the Sussdesians and calls for a world boycott of the rebel
And all through Sussdesia, the new farm owners, ex-"Rhodesians" all, sleep with assault weapons next to their beds in case their maids attempt to murder them!

Cheers, D (the EviL)
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Post by Jez »

What you on about?

The Rhodesians were surrounded by Marxist forces that were vowing to destroy them.

Cuba was in Angola. Zapu was operating from bases on the Zambesi and in Zambia. Zanu was operating from the Tete province in Mozambique. All three were trying to murder Rhodesia.The latter two were recieving direct- equiptment, training, funding and orders from the Peoples Republic of China and Russia.

None of these could give a damn about the black population of Rhodesia.

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Post by Jez »

Are you supposed to be a moderator or sewer rat or whatever your supposed to be, cos at the moment mate, with your replies to what i (and i'm sure quite a few others do too) think is an important and serious discussion, your acting like a bafoon type fool.

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Jez wrote:
Whats the point of shouting about how criminal the Rhodesians were supposed to be when the Eastern bloc, North Korea China, Russia, Cuba armed, equipped and trained African governments of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) solely to bring down any nation in the African continent that was not a Marxist terror regime.
Kind of missing the point aren't you? If a person wants to be Free, he'll take arms from the devil himself. I think one of your heroes and lackeys, Jonas Savimbi said that. An by the way, if Savimbi was the "Free World's" choice for a leader for Angola, God knows what dictater they would have prefered for Zimbabwe! Probably Muguabe, come to think of it. He did start his rule as part of a negotiated settlement with "Rhodesia"!

And what's this squawking about "Marxist terror regimes"? What the hell would you call the child murderers of pre-independence White South Africa and the Refugee Camp bombers of "Rhodesia"?

"Well we knew there were disciplined guerillas there because they didn't fire their anti-aircraft guns"

And where are all these "Marxist Terror regimes"? Was that Mobutu? No, he was a creation of the CIA.

You're still full of it Jez, you don't give a damn about anything except the Whites still in Africa or the Whites who used to be in Africa and with this thread you're proposing the "whites soon to come to Africa"!

Regards, D, the EviL
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AIDS and Africa

Post by MCO »

Unfortunately, I don't feel that sub-Saharan Africa has a promising future for the next few generations.

Besides the political and economic problems already cited in other postings, I wonder in the end what impact the ever-growing AIDS epidemic will have in Africa. I know that preventive medicine types often have a tendency to exaggerate (to gain public attention to problems, budgetary reasons, etc.), but I do fear that this time their dire predictions will be correct. Some African countries are losing their most productive age groups, and then there is the specter of “AIDS orphans.” The human suffering has just begun, more is to come.
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Oh and Jez, just for you I'm freelancing tonight. What's wrong, didn't like my Sussdesian scenario? Feels different when you're talking about your land and your people doesn't it?

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Hi MCO, you make very valid points, I'll be happy to discuss them on another, less provacative thread, so please don't be annoyed with me
if I don't address them on this "Thread of Right-Wing Nonsense" AKA "Why I loved Rhodesia".

And, needless to say, it's always good to hear from you MCO.
Best Regards, David :D
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Post by Jez »

"Well we knew there were disciplined guerillas there because they didnt fire their anti-aircraft guns"

Do you agree they fired their anti-aircraft guns when they brought down those civilian airliners with the SAM-7's in 78-79 and then raped the women survivors then hacked them to death. Tortured the male survivors then murdered and mutilated them?

They must of fired them those times at least Commissar?

Sam, i totally agree. I'm not too clued up on this though. I do know that RSA's government has won a battle to mass produce AIDS medicines that until this time were way too expensive to mass distribute to the mass of AIDS sufferers. Is it Bechuanaland... sorry Botswana that has now has life expectancy of 30 something years on average?


AIDS in Africa

Post by MCO »

No problem, David, I understand.

I didn’t want to mention AIDS in Africa, but I noticed that no one else did, and I think it is a significant problem (understatement) that will have far-reaching and long lasting repercussions for the continent, not to mention, the human suffering. No discussion about assisting Africa is complete without addressing the AIDS issue.

Generally, I do not like talking/thinking about AIDS in Africa because I am so pessimistic about it. There is far too much talk and too little action about it.

I would rather be sent to some location in Africa to guard a public health clinic or public health information radio station despite all the personal suffering that assignment would entail than being sent to Korea or Germany to help defend our so-called Allies (defend them from what, I don't know).
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Well MCO

Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Well MCO, I stated earlier what I thought of this thread and it's totally obnoxious title. However, since the point you raise is so important (and I don't want to totally waste my time dancing with Jez), I would like to say a few things about AIDS.
First, I think it is easily the most serious threat to Africa's future--more than war, more than famine, more than tyranny. As you stated, the death rates, particularly among the educated and those of the most productive age is absolutely off the charts. It reminds me of the "Black Plague" (NO pun intended) that struck Europe and it may have the same effect on many nations in Africa. I believe historians agree that the plague set European societies back a couple centuries.
Unfortunately, health care has never been a strong suit in African nations. Many governments (including, unfortunately South Africa) are not devoting the resources to fighting it's spread that should be devoted. And, the idea that the continent will ever be able to afford the "drug cocktails" used to extend life in the U.S. and other Western Nations is laughable.
So, my analysis, all joking aside, is that we have yet to see the greater part of suffering that Africans will endure. This is a plague and it's being overlooked, ignored and given the take "two aspirins" treatment.
Anyone seriously wishing to help Africa and Africans would be better off focusing on this single disease and methods to find a cure or prevent it's spread than any other single activity.
Politics and Race really aren't important issues when a portion of humanity faces a disease that is always fatal.

Best Regards, David
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Post by Jez »

Like that, is it lads?! :?

Well if you think its such an obnoxious thread, you certainly gave it a pretty good shot for the last five hours commisar.

I'll leave you two to carry on 'P!$$ing up each others backs' then.

Get back to me with any thing you think may contribute to the origional question Com, that you found so obnoxious you had to reply to it about twenty times.

Goodnight everyone.

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Gee! What set him off? Did I say something? You can never tell about people.... :oops:

Goodnight Jez.

~D, (well, maybe a little EviL)
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Post by gorbag »

I gotta try for those prizes.

You are all a bunch of poo heads, and you smell funny, and your mothers sew athletic socks that smell! You are the product of the mating of two hydrocephalic janitors that went horribly wrong in finishing school, only to wind up in Parliament/Congress! Ugly bags of mostly water!

That should at least get me in the running, I think.
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