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Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:13 pm
by Buster2
I wish I could order before March 1st but I am not able to do that as I donĀ“t have the money right now

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:58 pm
by wombat
This is outrageous!!!%^#$%

The price goes to 135 for outside of US! I wished i had the cash to quickly order what's interesting for me....

bama is no alternative as their prices are also way to high!

There is a high need for a fairly priced archive. I was so excited about the quality of the DVD's and the pricing!! I like my hobby, but I also have to live. Why is history getting expensive?? It's getting almost impossible to do some decent research without taking another job. I thought the whole idea of digitalizing was about making the archives more accessible? What they gained goes down the drain again :down: :down:

Maybe it's time for some trading organization amoungst the community??

I have for trade,

T-314 R-1613 - KTB 1 & 2 + anlagen LXXXIX AK
T-314 R-1628 - KTB 2 + anlagen LXXXVIII AK
T-78 R-625 - Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest.
T-78 R-640 - Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest.
T-78 R-644 - Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest.
T-78 R-629 - Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest. should arrive in a few weeks.

Looking for the other Gen.d.Pi.u.Fest. rolls (626-643)
OKH-Allgemeines Heeresamt roll 870-871-872 and
OKH-Chef d.H.Rue.u.BdE. roll 843-844
Also rolls about the LXXXVIII, LXXXIX and LXXXII AK are welcome.

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:07 pm
by william russ
Hi All,
I don't think the price increase is taking place on March 1. If you look at the NARA website there is no mention of the price jump yet. It only shows the 2005 price increase. When the prices went up in 2005, notice was given (if I recall correctly) about three months beforehand. I think they will give us at least another couple of months to get used to the sticker shock :wink:.

best regards, Bill

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:48 pm
by Hans
I think you are right Bill. In 2005 I actually received a letter from NARA some months before the price rise advising me of the impending rise & the reasons for same, which I thought was very nice of them.

- Hans

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:57 pm
by MadDog
Wombat, thats the spirit !

I will plenty of material on hand soon - other than the free 88th corps material on sturmpanzer.

Corps Feldt
88th corps
1st parachute army
Army Ligurian
21st army
89th corps
von Rohden collection

Mad Dog

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:22 am
by Buster2
william russ wrote:Hi All,
I don't think the price increase is taking place on March 1. If you look at the NARA website there is no mention of the price jump yet. It only shows the 2005 price increase. When the prices went up in 2005, notice was given (if I recall correctly) about three months beforehand. I think they will give us at least another couple of months to get used to the sticker shock :wink:.

best regards, Bill
I have had my information from a woman who works at NARA that the prices will increase in march,and that is what I been told,that is the only information she gave me.

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:02 am
by rommel_gaj

I'm afraid the price increase is reality: yesterday I received mail from NARA stating the prices WILL increase as rumored...



Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:55 am
by william russ
Hi All,
Well Rommel G, I hope its March 31! I'm sure we will all get a notice in the mail over the next several weeks. I'm just kind of surprised RG got his in Europe before we got ours in the US. But that's the USPS for for ya :( . I guess all of us here in the US of A will find out the deadline soon enough.

Later, Bill

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:10 pm
by John P. Moore
My contact in NARA management confirmed the March 1 date and rates. I faxed an order in for 8 DVDs yesterday and may order some more DVDs later in the week. While people may lament the high price of DVDs and books these days, the price may still be considered reasonable based on the value of the content.


Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:05 pm
by Hans
Very true John. Whilst I along with everyone else would like to pay less, I'm certainly prepared to pay more, considering the pleasure and knowledge I gain from this material. Beats a book every time.

- Hans

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:34 pm
by wombat
Untill you pay $135 for 2 (useless) frames.


Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:50 pm
by phylo_roadking
Never EVER set up a petition about anything.

Why? ANY organisation that receives it, regards it as ONLY ONE LETTER!!!

You can set a dozen boxes with thousands of signatures on someone's table...and all that happens is - that person finds a bigger waste bin :shock:


Write a letter. An individual one. Every one of you. THAT is what grabs people's attention, the labour of actually having to open each and every envelope because they don't know ahead of schedule what's in it.

About a decade ago a study was made of what it actually takes to get a British Member of Parliament to ask a Question in the House of Commons. The answer was.... average of SIX letters on the same subject.

That's right - it ONLY takes an MP's secretarial staff to open SIX letters complaining about something for a question to get put a government minister in Parliament!!!

There's ONE thing you can guarantee; and that's that NOONE in Congress even KNOWS about this, because NOONE has told anyone. This is the sort of administrative-level decision that gets made a hundred times a day in public agencies, under the radar, but STILL affects hundreds if not thousands of people.


Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:29 pm
by MadDog
I agree that the material is valuable, but with the guides having such short descriptions, the higher price makes the gamble much less attractive.

Mad Dog

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:24 pm
by MadDog
More bad news: according to Richard, NARA will also be increasing the prices on FMS documents to $7.50 each.

Order early, order now. I will be putting a large order in soon, maybe its time to share more with these, also ?

Mad Dog

Re: NARA price increase

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:42 pm
by william russ
Hi All,
John, thanks for confirming the date of March 1st. Damn that was fast. I have a bad feeling that my notice may have been lost in the mail I guess.
Anyway, what this means to me is that I will now have to either cut back to ordering only one DVD a month or go back to the microfilms. I still could get at least two of those a month. It's a damn shame they did this.
I think Maddog is right. We could start to pool our resources and swap info if other members already have the microfilm someone else needs.

best regards, Bill