Are you stereotyped?

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Interesting, and somewhat inverted, since you have used that epithet as a term of abuse towards others.
I call someone a Nazi if they obviously are, and yes, I consider being a Nazi, an adherent to an ideology that justified the murder of millions of men, women, and children, to be negative. You may disagree.
And they do not question the prevailing view. They simply repeat it. Mutton dressed up as lamb.
They don't question that obvious fact that Hitler was a mass murderer and a criminal, so therefore they are not good historians?
To be bunched together with neo-Nazi war glorifiers is therefore something less desirable - it's the Nazi involvement in the WW2 hobby that puts it in a bad light.
Indeed. People see Heinz Kling's epic rants against Jews and homosexuals and assume this is a neo-Nazi website.
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Post by Musashi »

Beppo Schmidt wrote: Indeed. People see Heinz Kling's epic rants against Jews and homosexuals and assume this is a neo-Nazi website.
Hi Beppo!
Therefore I don't understand the rules of this forum. It should be in the interest of this forum to watch what the users write not to draw the people away from it. Yesterday I wrote on this forum one of the most stupid posts that I wrote in my life. It had never happened if the Administration would have paid attention what the users wrote. It was only my response. Such situation would never happen on AHF. I needn't to write responding stupid posts there, because the Administrator and Moderators of that forum don't allow the users to offend others.
Have a nice weekend, Beppo :D
Best regards,
Last edited by Musashi on Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Patrick »

My father used to give me disapproving looks and would shake his head. We both loved building models - the very first model airplane we built together was a Spitfire. After that, though, I was always building models of German hardware and he couldn't understand why I wasn't building models of Allied equipment instead. Naturally, the same attitude influenced my book purchases as well, with the same reaction.


When I was single, I had three theories on raising children. Now I have three children and no theories.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Such situation would never happen on AHF. I needn't to write responding stupid posts there, because the Administrator and Moderators of that forum don't allow the users to offend others.
On AHF, a post title "Churchill was gay!" would have been locked the day it appeared, and would never have been allowed to turn into a 10-page thread as it did here, dripping with homophobia and anti-Semitism. The difference is, quite frankly, that the moderators on AHF actually moderate.
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Re: Are you stereotyped?

Post by Brian67 »

Paulus wrote:I just wanted to know, is there anyone else out there who is stereotyped as a "Nazi" because they have an interest in the Wehrmacht.
Hi Paulus
I'm really surprised, that you was (in Ireland ?!) stereotyped as a "Nazi" because of your interest in the Wehrmacht. The time I stayed in Ireland I ever had the felling, that (especially the older men) liked Germans, because they fought against Britain in WW1 and 2.

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Post by 1871 »

sid guttridge wrote:Hi Guys,

Any English authors out there?

And they commit the same and obvious errors you are guilty of. But you do it on a daily basis. They do it with their worthless novels. You do it on here.

Your knowledge of German history and language is confined to laughter. But I am polite - I try and remain on my chair. My colleagues find you humorous or is it humourless?

We laugh a great deal. It brightens a cloudy morning.

Thank You


Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

But I am polite - I try and remain on my chair.
In between constantly telling the rest of us how stupid we are, and telling the moderators that we are disrupting the forum when you and Kamerad Kling are ones who keep threads going for weeks about Churchill's sexual orientation?
heinz kling

Post by heinz kling »

Beppo you really have queer thoughts. May be you should bond yourself with the likes of Michael Kenny, Viam and others, self apponited true heirs, defenders and apostles of the great Churchill, the half breed homosexual bastard egomaniac liar of the century.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Beppo you really have queer thoughts.
If that's supposed to be an insult, sorry.
Churchill, the half breed homosexual bastard egomaniac liar of the century.
If Churchill was the egomaniac liar of the century, what exactly was Hitler?
heinz kling

Post by heinz kling »

Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

I'm sorry, what does FAZ mean?
heinz kling

Post by heinz kling »

Ask your relatives if you are German.
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Post by 1871 »

You have a problem? Little Beppo? You continually request protection from others.

Make it clear.

Or, perhaps, tell me something about the German Army.

You may know something I do not?

michael kenny
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Post by michael kenny »

Good god, a gang of demented Nazis. Well I suppose they can get comfort from each others company. It must be pretty lonely when you are an outcast. Let them have their rants. No one is taken in by it and they are objects of derision anyway.

1871 says:

"You may know something I do not"

I should think that applies to everyone who posts here!
heinz kling

Post by heinz kling »

You are a real nuisance with nothing of value to post. Bet all your life you are trying to come to the aids of people like our dear little Beppo.
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