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Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:39 am
by Abicht
Although I initiated the project with the intent to scan in the maps and continue to post them via Jason on his site, the project his slowed considerablly and has become a bit more work than have time for. This said I have asked Jason reomve the maps as of June 1st. I am not planning on setting up another site or offering them anywhere else.

I will review the map project with Jason in a year though. I appreciate all the support and positve feedback on the maps, and for those of you who may have run into a bad disk, thanks for your understanding and allowing me to make a new one for you.

Again we will take orders between now and 30 May.


Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:35 pm
by donwhite
Sorry to hear that the project has taken over your day to day life. From a totally self centered (read selfish) point of view, I trust a future review may possibly lead you to recommence the project down the tract!


Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:22 am
by Researcher1941
I am absolutely, positively interested.

In particular I'm looking for maps of Norway between Jan and May 1941, but period maps of Norway in general would be very helpful.

How do we make this happen?


Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:58 pm
by Broadsword
Folks I would like to chime in on this topic and I think it's very important.

The youth of today are learning about history through Maps! I just recently assisted the Bedford St. Martins Publishing Company in the design and structure of their new college textbooks and what we have found is that few High School grads in the United States know where key places are in History, and when we talked about World War II we agreed that Kids want to learn more about the war but have very few maps available to them. When we offered Maps with more than your run of the mill info they were three times more likely to pin-point major and even minor areas of importance in regards to WWII. They then increased their vocabulary skills as well as their Geography.

We also learned that many of these learners better understood what there Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers did, where they did it, and appreciated it far more when a map was presented to them.

Kudo's to the folks on this web site for seeing the value maps play in better understanding the War.

Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:18 am
by Tom Houlihan
I fully agree, but then I have a biased opinion on the matter!

The visual cues make it easier to relate. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of words on paper. :up:

Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:57 pm
by Anna_research
I am currently doing an extensive research on (german) situation maps, and more specifically those maps concerning berlin and the battle of berlin. I was wondering of you already digitalized these maps and how I would go about ordering these?

Kind regards, Anna

Re: German situation maps on this site

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:49 pm
by douglas5102
hello Abicht,

Situation Maps for the European and North African theaters

This sounds interesting, there is a map that I like to enquire about, it is Southeastern theater Hungry 9 mar.-3 dec. 1944
can you help?


RE: German Situation Maps On This Site - (In Theory Anyway).

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:53 pm
by Robert F. Rojas
Greetings to both brother Abicht and the community as a whole. Howdy Abicht! Well sir, in light of your now vintage introductory post of Friday - May 18, 2007 - 6:23pm, old yours truly was wondering if this map project was still a work in progress OR has it been shelved for perpetuity? Having access to situation maps (German or otherwise) is certainly a welcomed addition for those of us who thirst for the proverbial BIG PICTURE. Incidentally, have you been in touch with the new administrator of the Feldgrau Forum? I have a strong belief that Jim Pollar would be very receptive to incorporate your unique body of work into the revamped Feldgrau Forum. The inauguration of the new and improved Feldgrau Forum is slated for sometime in year 2018. Now you know. Well, that's my initial two cents or pfennigs worth on this extraordinary topic of interest from yesteryear - for now anyway. In any case, I would like to bid you an especially copacetic day over in the Old Dominion that is the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Best Regards,
Uncle Bob :idea: :?: :[] :up: