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Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:34 pm
by Zepp
Hi Kestrel.
I think it`wery good and important that we have young people with us at the forum. The history has always been told by the victor. Hence not always quite true. We see this,still in a small way,here in Norway.So good on you and keep on!(maybe a bad transelation from Norw.)

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:07 pm
by Linkar
Hi, I've been visiting this forum for awhile. Time to introduce myself here!

I'm in my 40's and live with my American husband and child in Oregon, USA. I was born in Moscow, the USSR, and lived most of my life there. Naturally, WWII was a big part of my family history. My grandmother's sister with her husband served in Stalingrad, my grandfather, an artillery lieutenant in the Soviet Army, was killed in the Ukraine, a few kilometers from his native village near Poltava. My other grandfather was a chief engineer at a major automotive factory that manufactured trucks for the Red Army. They also assembled the lend-lease trucks. Several of my relatives lived in the Nazi-occupied territories during the war.

I'm working on a fiction set in postwar Germany and research the WWII/Eastern Front history extensively. This forum is a great place to ask questions and interact with other WWII history fans.

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:43 am
by Tom Houlihan
Welcome, Linkar! I know there are others besides me that would love to hear more of your family's story. Us westerners haven't been able to get a lot of good information from that side of the world.

As for your stories, that too sounds interesting. You won't have too much trouble getting input or help here!

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:55 am
by schultze
Viele Gruss aus Bayern!

Schultze here. I joined last year but what with life getting in the way was unable to post until today. I'm a Welshman living in Munich, home of the best sausages and beer in the world and scene of some of the momentous events in terms of recent world history.
I work as an archaeologist and tour guide here and frequently get aggro for daring to talk about the war and other aspects of recent history. I figured it made sense to join a forum where one can talk about this history without being accused of being some sort of right-wing political agitator. It's a shame that here one is judged in such an arbitrary fashion just for having an interest.
Currently I am researching OSS activities in the Munich area and the German troop depositions here at the end of the war. There was little fighting here when the GI's came in on April 30th but there was some. Researching it is proving difficult though.If any members have insights into this or OSS activities here, I'd love to hear from you.



Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:28 am
by joshwri
Hello there im Josh im a German ww2 battle re-enactor from the uk. I re-enact the 7th flieger division Fallshirmjager who were based in Italy.
Also 714 Jager Wehrmacht who were also based in Italy, Also the 16th Luftwaffe field division who served in Normandy, im still in the process of getting more information on the 16th Luftwaffe field division but its rather hard to find.

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:14 pm
by mux-marzen
Hi, everyone on feldgrau
My name is Max. I am an former Stabsunteroffizier/Sergeant, I served in the Royal Danish Lifeguard (INF-REG).
My interests in this forum was, in first shot, information on the Freikorps Danmark, DIV WIKING and DIV NORDLAND, but then I stumbled across Soldatenheim and the Forum Heroes and all the other great threads! - And i can't stop reading!
Thanks for letting me in!

- Mux-marzen

I have read the thread about the unique avatar. I will therefore by this posting make a request,
to make it possible for me to use, the regimental badge of the Royal Danish Lifeguard, which under I once served, as my avatar.

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:26 am
by Tom Houlihan
mux-marzen wrote:PS.
I have read the thread about the unique avatar. I will therefore by this posting make a request,
to make it possible for me to use, the regimental badge of the Royal Danish Lifeguard, which under I once served, as my avatar.
Max, I'm not altogether sure of the mechanics, but you would have to submit a jpeg of the image you want to Jason, so he can get it into the gallery of images. Try contacting him directly by PM or e-mail. Or both...

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:35 pm
by cassarnold
Hi everyone,
I am Cassandra, live in Maryland, USA with my husband and 3 cats. My mother, who died in 2000, was originally from East Prussia and my family fled there in the great trek of 1945. She moved to America in 1957 (I was born in 1967) and she never talked about it. I have recently come across many old photos and documents from that time and am trying to assemble a family history and fill in the blanks. Three of my male relatives served in the German military, both WWI and WWII, so I joined in order to learn more information. Everyone has been so kind and helpful--thank you all!! I work now as a medical writer, but studied history in college.


Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:36 pm
by cassarnold
oops! my family fled FROM East Prussia to the West in 1945. (must preview my posts!)


Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:17 am
by ronny34
hello my name is Ron Cox i am 37 years young i live in the Netherlands
i got this site from a friend of my
im searching with a metal detector for ww2 relics
i am very interesting in the ww2
couple of weeks ago i found a plane a stirling mk1
thats my biggest find

i like this site very much and i hope i can learn alot here
thank you
Ron Cox

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:36 pm
by John W. Howard
Welcome Ronny :D

Interested in 9 Panzer Division

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:24 am
by ChrisWinkelbauer
Hello - I am a new user here.

I am American by birth, but am now living in the UK and am at present researching the history of two uncles who grew up in Vienna and were in the 9th Panzer division.

I have tried contacting the person on Feldgrau's contact page responsible for collecting information on the 9th Panzer Division (Rudolf Wallner PO box 63, Vienna). The letter was returned to me, with a stamp saying that the addressee had moved. Any thoughts, anyone?

An earlier piece of research in the 1990's to some sort of newsletter belonging to (perhaps) the 9 PD -- I have a photocopy of one sheet, and at the top it reads "Aus der Divisionsfamilie", but the rest of the newsletter is lacking-- shows a request for information about one of my uncles Andreas WINKELBAUER who died on 10 March 1944 near Ingulez in Russia. This story was run by my aunt. This prompted a most interesting reply from a Manfred Peter HELLER, who at that time lived in Cumberland Park, Australia. It appears that Mr Heller had made the 9PD his life's work, and according to his letter had amassed some 300 Leitz Ordner (those thick ring binders) full of stories, information, testimonials, etc.
An attempt to contact him recently yielded no result. I presume that by this time, if he is still alive, he will be very elderly, as the letter indicates a close relationship to the unit. Surely this collection of information must still exist somewhere. A google search of his name, along with a number of combinations including his home town in Australia, Panzer Unit, etc, has not led me any further. Does anyone have any thoughts?

My other uncle, Leonhard WINKELBAUER, was with the Mödlinger Panzer Regiment, and died in October 1943. We have information saying that he was buried in a soldier's cemetery in Nowo-Nikolajewka (Crimea) , however the Deutsche Dienstelle in Berlin cannot say whether or not the cemetery still exists. Again, if anyone has any comments on how one might approach the authorities in the Ukraine locally, I'd like to hear from you.

Finally, in going through the family war letters, I found an unopened one posted by my father to his brother Leonhard. It was returned home because by that time, the uncle had died. A short story about this is on the BBC website "A History of the World in 100 Objects"-- follow the link below. ... kwmlOpBmdQ

The BBC has expressed further interest in the letter archive and are making a radio documentary about my father and his brothers.

Thank you everyone for any help you may have.

PS two other addresses on the Feldgrau contacts page have had letters returned to me saying the addresses are no longer in use. Can someone tell me to whom I should report this at Feldgrau? thanks.

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:28 am
by manfredchang

I am Manfred. I am from Toronto Ontario, Canada. I was born in Shanghai, China and had been lived there for 30 years. I am very interested in WWII and I found there are many valuable material regarding the Gernman armed forces in WWII on this site. My focus of research is on the loss of eastern front.


Manfred Chang

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:02 pm
by John W. Howard
Welcome Mr. Chang!!

Re: Welcome to the forum, tell us about yourself!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:47 pm
by HG43
Hello everyone,
My name is Martin, I'm originally from Germany. Served two years in the German Navy 1999- 2001, moved to the US in 2002 and joined the US Navy in 2003. Just finishing up a 3 year shore tour here in Norfolk VA before going back to sea in June.
Anyway, quite a few of my relatives served in both WW1 and WW2 in various branches of the German Military and I hope to learn more about these conflicts and the units involved. That being said, I am looking forward to participating here.