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Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:31 am
by Nibelung
Christoph Awender wrote:His story is as true as I am a 400 year old dwarf living in a cave.
Good one Christoph! :D:D ...perhaps he's a child prodigy, who knows - he did go to advanced class after all. ;)

Miha / Nibelung

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:56 am
by Nibelung
Chill man...I posses one Wehrmacht spoon and one fork, no joke - and that's about it. :D


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:04 pm
by Spandau
Christoph Awender wrote:
You really buy the story of a 13 year old talking with vets at reenactments, visiting militaria shops for years already, having a militaria collection, having already done several long marches with full gear etc.. ?? His story is as true as I am a 400 year old dwarf living in a cave.

Ave Christoph,

I neither believe him nor disbelieve him. I don't know about you, but I had done some pretty crazy things by the time I was 13. And when I was 13, I had all the enthusiasm Taylor has, I just didn't have the resources or oppurtunities.

Don't make so many assumptions, don't to be so quick to deal out judgements. If you habitually make judgements about people, you are less aware of who they are. Focus more on awareness than on analysis. Let analysis work itself out. Here I go again, spouting Martial Arts philosophies. Sorry about that, I have probably been training too much.

Anyway, could Taylor be full of scheisse? Perhaps.
Could Taylor be telling the truth? Perhaps.
At least for the sake of civility I will give him the benefit of the doubt.



Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:57 pm
by Christoph Awender
I will always hear on my "inner voice" and not on what would be appropriate or political correct in a situation. Someone who claims to have and does all the things he claims to do with 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 years of age is either lying about his age or about the other things.
I never believe that there is a 11 year old boy in a german Wehrmacht uniform participating in big reenacting events and talk to many veterans there.
Taylorcollector at which events have you been and to which reenactment units did you attach with? I am sure they will remember a little reenacting boy if we ask them.

Come one people he is pulling your leg. There is a difference between giving someone the benefit of a doubt and believing things that are so far fetched like he is trying to make us believe.
When writing this I ask myself why I care at all. Maybe I just don ´t like to be fooled like this.


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:25 am
by von_noobie
Dont know why so many of use dont beleive him, He may be lying but delt it, you cant say s*** unless you have proof and Christoph my freind you dont have proof, but any way when you get the chance Taylor could you post a few pics of your collection, it will settle all this out.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:38 am
by Howard
Perhaps Christoph is right about TC (wasn't he a feline cartoon character back when I was a kid?).

It's certainly find it hard to believe that a 13 year regularly calls a major store and asks the owner to hold stuff for him until he can get round there (and presumably buy it). And he knows the stock better than the staff. The thread on reincarnation in Soldatenheim is slightly more worrying with the dreams (or memories?) of being a Freikorps member, then a tank commander on the Russian Front getting shot by partisans.

But perhaps this is proof that he's just a 13 year old kid? Interested in WWII and with a vivid imagination? His posts are full of typos and grammatical mistakes and the longer ones indicate that he's not used to putting his thoughts in order and expressing them clearly. Another indication of being a teenager as far as I can recall :? IMHO he's just having some fun here and showing off a bit.

Most of his posts are in this sub-forum or Soldatenheim, so don't really affect the more "serious' side of the site, if I can use this expression.

Of course if he is a lot older and pretending to be 13, then we're approaching the suburbs of Therapyville but I don't really see any hard evidence for this.

We should just let him get on with his own thing as long as it's not disturbing anyone else.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:17 pm
by von_noobie
i agree with Howard

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:53 pm
by Doktor Krollspell
So what do I collect? The answer is quite simple...

Books, books, books and then some more books! :[]

We have book shelves literally all over our apartment and luckily I have a very understanding wife... :wink: Anyhow, they are mostly on history, military history, religion and philosophy with a book on astronomy now and then...

When it comes to stuff, I have some medals, photographs and paperwork on relatives on my Father's side of the family but it's not that much. Most of my surplus money are spent on books and on my two children and Ouch! Sorry...:evil: yes on my lovely wife! :D



Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:11 am
by Doktor Krollspell
What choice do they have? I'm brainwashing them into becoming intellectual bookworms and learning them the only lesson in life that they will need...

Judge your fellow human beings after the contents of their bookshelves... :D :[] :D



Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:35 am
by xavier
@ Doktor Krollspell
Judge your fellow human beings after the contents of their bookshelves...
or I may add..bathrooms
my bathroom-shelf: ... 0923toJVTi
(then click on view full size to read all the titles..)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:50 am
by Doktor Krollspell
Ah, Xavier... it's beautiful! :D The bathroom is an excellent place to read and for reflection, don't you agree?! :wink: Personally, I don't have a stack of books in my bathroom since my kids loves to play U-boat and convoy every time they taking one of their oh, so frequent baths... But still, I always bring the occasional WWII-related book with me... after all, it's all about mind and matter... life :up:

With many more books to read,

Krollspell :[]

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:31 am
ahh don't ask me why but sitting on the can taking the proverbial "dump" is a quite moment to relax and enjoy just a bit of reading. Unfortunately I live in an old apartmentblock (about a hundred years old) and therefore I share my toilet with my neighbour, who might not understand my obsession with the wartheme. So I bring my book to and from the toilet, a habit that is not really supported by my girlfriend who asks everytime I am doing a bit of a stepdance while battling the spasms in my bladder looking for the right book to bring... "looking for a pooper book are we, why don't you just go!?"



Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:58 am
by jscott

I think its a guy thing bud. I do the same thing as I still live at home with my parents. I have to take my book with me to read. Right now Im reading one called 1812.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:26 pm
by phylo_roadking
God Bless all the militaria and weapons collectors on here......

Stuck in Northern Ireland as I am there is NO market for this stuff - I mean noone selling, no shops nothing. And any sort of mail ordering on ANY militaria is a quick way of getting a visit from the Filth. This is a "country" where theres still an active law preventing you wearing a surplus beret in the street if the police want to push it, as "paramilitary uniform". You need a collectors' chit sort of thing to carry a replica gun even in your own car if outside your own house.

Tho miraculously Ive accumulated a Lee Enfield no.3 bayonet(short), not the pigsticker one, a Lee Metford bayonet, A Danish Army Dress uniform Jacket, a genuine pair of Ulster Home Guard leather gaiters, and a Wehrmacht peaked fieldcap. Not intentionally as part of a collection tho....

That energy I retain for my 5,500 scifi paparback - only 4 accidental duplicates, and 7 first editions.

And my several garagefuls of mootorcycles, alive and dead. Its not that I collect them - I'm a terrible salesman! lol lol Tho if any american forum members could pick me up the rear 16" wheel from an American-market shaft drive Kawasaki Z550 i'd be very grateful lol lol


Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:22 pm
by phylo_roadking
Does collecting speeding tickets count?
