13 February 1945

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Post by Stefan »

If they chose not to deploy a significant number of them to defend Dresden's 120+ factories employed by the army's Waffen-Amt, the ±20 army depots in the city or the vital railway junction, that is their responsibility.
Well, could you please explain why none of all these installations was hit by a single bomb during the raid?
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Post by Hans »

My mother's only brother was killed in Dresden (civilian). Are we cut up about it? No! There was a war on, and like so many others from all sides he was killed by his own nations stupidity. If the politicians didn't start wars then the innocent would not be killed, maimed, whatever. So all you fellow Germans remember it's not only us that got clobbered, just maybe however we may have deserved it just a little more, just this once.

- Hans
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Post by 1871 »

Like so many within the British Commonwealth. You fail to understand the significance.

Did you 'know' your uncle? I doubt it - in consideration of your lack of respect towards a relative.

And what shouild I make of this?

That some are evil? That some pretend or wish to be such like? That some glorify in it - and write incorrect books of it? And read too many comics and watch too much TV?

From far away distances

It is tiresome.

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Post by Hans »


I have no disrespect for my uncle, I am as German as he is. More so as I am the next generation. I lost this uncle, my father, a cousin and paternal grandfather in this war. The ruins of Nurnberg are imprinted on my mind for life. Quite tragically as I was only born in 1944, I should not have these images of my childhood. Am I supposed to blame the Brits. or Americans for these tragedies. No! Were they supposed to sit back as we destroyed Europe?
Not any of my relatives blame the allies, for what happened to Germany, they put the blame squarely where it rests, Schiklegruber and his band of sicko's. Mind you any German government hasn't asked after our health since either.
What my living in the Commonwealth has to do with anything I don't know, except that when the "Reich" abandoned us orphans and our widowed mother, the Commonwealth took us in. Incidently the Poles could not have been nicer either.
Don't ever lecture me on disrespect or war mate. I know both intimatelly.

- Hans
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Post by 1871 »

greenhorn wrote:I've waded through some of the inane rabblings in this thread, I would laugh if the subject was so serious. I can only conclude that "the drugs don't work" and upping his lithium might do the trick.

His quote" six decades ago in the most heinous atrocity committed against civilians, " smacks of holocaust denial....
Perhaps you should educate yourself in European Military History - you lack the required knowledge.

I do do tolertate such rubbish and pretension.

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Post by Hans »

Schicklegruber couldn't either. You do sound like a disciple, Mein Herr.

- Hans
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Post by 1871 »

Hans wrote:1871

I have no disrespect for my uncle, I am as German as he is. More so as I am the next generation. I lost this uncle, my father, a cousin and paternal grandfather in this war. The ruins of Nurnberg are imprinted on my mind for life. Quite tragically as I was only born in 1944, I should not have these images of my childhood. Am I supposed to blame the Brits. or Americans for these tragedies. No! Were they supposed to sit back as we destroyed Europe?
Not any of my relatives blame the allies, for what happened to Germany, they put the blame squarely where it rests, Schiklegruber and his band of sicko's. Mind you any German government hasn't asked after our health since either.
What my living in the Commonwealth has to do with anything I don't know, except that when the "Reich" abandoned us orphans and our widowed mother, the Commonwealth took us in. Incidently the Poles could not have been nicer either.
Don't ever lecture me on disrespect or war mate. I know both intimatelly.

- Hans
Do not make foolish and false statements.

You are replying to a German.

Always remember this fact of life: Germany belongs to the Germans. No one else.

Keep out of it.

Thank You

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Post by Hans »

I did post an earlier reply to this. Don't know what happened to it. You are German 1871? If so you give the rest of us a bad name. By the way I was born in the Theresienkrankenhaus, MommsenStrasse 24, Nurnberg. My antecedants for 12 generations are Franks and Oberpfaelzer (I am still working on my family tree). My father was killed at Grivoi Rog on the 22 February 1944 and wounded 3kms west of Maikop in 1942. Does that make me German enough? My father was proud of the fact that he hated the NAZIS as is the rest of the family. Still he did his duty, had no choice.

- Hans
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Post by Hans »

Oh yeah, I had a second cousin that was a Kreisleiter. You can't choose your relatives.

- Hans
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Post by 1871 »

I would rather you did not debase my country.

Like so many of your type, you speak from other places. And make juvenile comment.

I have no wastage of time for it. If you wish to communicate with me - do so in correct manner.

Do not make false association - for you know nothing of my country

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Post by Hans »

MY COUNTRY. People like you don't have a country, just an ideology. Just showed your ravings to my mother (85). "Soa Scheisskerl", hots gsacht. Na ja, vielleicht hot's recht.

- Hans
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Post by 1871 »

You are exposing yourself.

You do not interest me.

Sehr Gut.

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Post by 1871 »

Herr Doktor wrote:Pirx wrote:
To 1871

September 1st 1939. 4.40 a.m.
Small town Wielun.

The infants - new to the world - but never knew it. The little children that knew nothing of life except their puppies and simple toys. The protective but defenceless mothers that read soothing bedtime stories. The elderly that looked to the dark sky and sensed the approaching evil. And an evil that cannot and will not be forgiven.

Fact: In this town was no soldiers, no factories, no crossroads, no a-a defence.
Fact: In 3 waves luftwaffe killed 1283 civilian (from 16 000 total population)
Fact: Few hours later wehrmacht captured this town.
Fact: 4.40 a.m. between Poland and Germany was peace

Did you ever heard about this town?
To which 1871 replied:
I fail to understand the relevance of your post.

My reference is with regard Dresden, Germany, on 13 February 1945, in remembrance of the atrocity committed on that date and time, against German women and children.

The commonality of comparison does not apply to Poland. Your point of historical contention has no valid place on this thread.
Pirx, I think you make a very good point. And it certainly does have "historical contention" here.

1871 does not want to see this, because to see it would also be to see the Germans as aggressors, Hitler and the Nazis as the cause of the war. What happened at Dresden is no less terrible that what happened at Wielun (and countless other towns, to countless other innocents - on all sides).

However, had Hitler not started the war in the first place, and had the German people not supported Hitler and the Nazis, then I submit to you that the Dresden bombing may never have even happened. The Allies carried out the bombing, but Adolf Hitler made it possible by starting the war - and placing the German people in that position.

These points are often overlooked or rationalized away by those who continue to be blinded by National Socialism. Like our Scottish, self-styled quasi-German friend here, 1871. :wink:


There are many here that have no time for your hatred and childish religious/political view. But I allow you that excuse. I should not - since so many of your type employ it.

And your post is without merit. You employ bigoted opinion. You have no substance to your belief - and it is merely that - uninformed opinion.

It is clear to me that you do not possess the intellectual capacity for original thought. You merely repeat nonsense expressed to you by the less than clever.

But it is, no doubt, in your intrerests to-do-so.

So far.



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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Stefan,

I don't have to explain why none of Dresden's war-related industries, depots and railway lines weren't hit by a single bomb.


Because it is absolutely clear that many were. For example, the army depots in the centre of the city were obliterated and the railway system took weeks to recover.

What I want to know is why, when you know perfectly well that this is the case, you repeatedly invent spurious facts?

Be honest. How likely is it that, given the distribution of approaching 200 military factories, army installations and railway junctions across Dresden and the large size of the raid, the RAF and USAAF could have arranged to miss every single one completely even if they had wanted to?

Don't be silly.


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Post by Zebedee »

Dresden was not a war crime. It was a target of military significance as Sid has constantly pointed out.

Dresden was not genocide. Which should be evident to anyone with access to a dictionary.

I pay my respects to the war dead of all sides, civillian and military but keep in the forefront of my mind that none would have died but for the lunatic beliefs of a certain A.Hitler and his murderous Nazi party.

I was under the impression this site was for serious historians, who were able to transcend throwing insults and who were able to approach serious issues without resorting to rabid spleen.

S. Williams

P.S My maternal side of the family left Germany in 1937. Purple triangles were not their idea of fashion accessories.
"I force myself to laugh, for fear of having to cry" - beaumarchais
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