Silent Night Stille Nacht on Youtube

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German Born
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Silent Night Stille Nacht on Youtube

Post by German Born »

Hi all,just letting movie lovers know about this gem on Youtube.
It has already been covered on here by someone else,but here goes anyway.
Christmas Eve 1944 somewhere in the Ardennes forest is a hut
Snowing heavilly Frau (linda Hamilton) is outstanding in her portraying Frau
and young son Fritz hoping to see the wars end when suddenly bursting in are 3
Americans with one severely wounded and bleeding.
What happens next is amazing and is based on actual fact.
Enjoy....Have the Kleenex handy for some of the scenes
Especially the singing of "Stille Nacht"
Take care all
Merry Christmas.2024
Just another brick in the wall 1961-1989
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