The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

German Kriegsmarine 1935-1945.
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

Finally also on September 8, 1939, the U 29 attacked and sank the British tanker MV REGENT TIGER (10176 ton) and the U 34 did the same with the merchant KENNEBEC (5548 tons) with both ships, the Allies lost 14000 and 7000 ton of fuel. The Kennebec first was stopped with one torpedo and after being abandoned by its crew, including no loss, was attacked by gunfire. The U-34, finally abandoned the sinking ship which was sunk later by the British warship HMS Verity (BF 1673-1649 ° 18'N - 08 ° 13'W). While the U-48 sank the British freighter WINKLEIGH (5055 ton).

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The U-29 in a pre-war picture..................
The U-29 in a pre-war picture..................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 9, 1939 the U 31 (Kptlt.Johannes Habekost; IWO Oblt.Heinz-Otto Schulze), U 35 (kplt Werner Lott, IWO Oblt Hans-Bernhard Michalowski, WO Lt Hans-Joachim "Jonny" Roters ) and U 36 (kplt Wilhelm Fröhlich, IWO Oblt z. S. Hans Joachim Bassinger, WO Oblt z. S. Wolfgang Trommershausen) sailed from Wilhelmshaven according to Operations Order No. 6. In the Bay of Heligoland the U 35 was unsuccessfully attacked by the British submarine HMS URSULA.

On this day the U 27 stopped the american freighter Wacosta offshore the coast of Ireland; the ship was sailing from Glasgow, Scotland to New York. The vessel proceeded with her navigation after three hours.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The HMS Ursula which launched the first torpedoes of the British Submarine Force, in the attack against the U 35..............<br />
The HMS Ursula which launched the first torpedoes of the British Submarine Force, in the attack against the U 35..............
image001.jpg (70.68 KiB) Viewed 6326 times
The U 27 seen through the Wacosta's porthole on September 9, 1939.<br />LIFE October 2, 1939.
The U 27 seen through the Wacosta's porthole on September 9, 1939.
LIFE October 2, 1939.
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 10, 1939 U 26 put a barrier of 18 sea-mines in front of the port of Portland; starting at 5:23 hours and finishing at 06:05 hours.

On September 11, 1939 the HMS "Ark Royal" sailed from Scapa Flow with the destroyers HMS "Firedrake", HMS "Foxhound", HMS "Faulknor", HMS "Eskimo" and two other tribal class for antisubmarine exercises west of the Orkneys Islands.

On this day the U 30 sunk the British freighter BLAIRLOGIE (4425 ton) by torpedoes and cannon fire, she was the second ship of the submersible. The U 38 sank the British tanker INVERLIFFEY (9456 ton), the ship was carrying 13,000 tons of fuel. The submersible towed the lifeboats until the American merchant STEWARD.

The U 48 sank the British merchant FIRBY (4869 ton), the submarine rescued the crew and provided them with food and other survival items.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
U Boot VII. Vol I. AJ-Press. M. Krzysztalowicz.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
collecting the cartridge cases after cease fire...........................
collecting the cartridge cases after cease fire...........................
image002.png (302.51 KiB) Viewed 6305 times
The U-48 back after a very successful patrol, (as seen by the pennants)..............
The U-48 back after a very successful patrol, (as seen by the pennants)..............
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 12, 1939 the U 35 reported by radio that due to strong system of defense in the Channel had to cancel the crossing through it.

Only on September 13, 1939 was heard about the first success of the U 27 as she sunk with cannon shots the British fishing vessel DAVARA (291 tons) northwest of Tory Island at 14:55 hours; the crew was rescued after 5 hours by the British ship WILLOWPOOL.

While the U 29 sank the British trawler NEPTUNIA (798 tons) with cannon fire.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
U Boot VII. Vol I. AJ-Press. M. Krzysztalowicz.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Here the U 27 moored in row with the later famous U 29............................
Here the U 27 moored in row with the later famous U 29............................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 14, 1939 the deployment of the German submersibles was as follows: before the Firth of Forth operated the U 13, U 21 and U 23; on the east of the Firth of Moray the U 36; the U 3 operated southwest of the warning area and U 20 in the maritime area between the Shetlands and Norway. Sailing towards the west end of the SKAGERRAK the U -14, U 16 and U 24. Nine oceangoing submersibles on the way back between the Shetland and Kattegat. The U 47 was expected in KIEL that night.

The U 28 sank the British freighter "VANCOUVER CITY" (4955 tons) loaded with sugar, the submarine was attacked with depth charges but was unhurt. The U 29 sank the tanker MV "BRITISH INFLUENCE" (8431 tons), the first magnetic torpedoes detonated a short distance from the submersible and only the third torpedo hit the ship.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
U Boot VII. Vol I. AJ-Press. M. Krzysztalowicz.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
U 30, U 28 and U 29 moored in row at her base in Germany..........................
U 30, U 28 and U 29 moored in row at her base in Germany..........................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

Also on September 14, 1939 the U 30 stopped the British freighter FANAD HEAD (5200 ton). The ship radioed her position and the U 30 fired a shot with the deck gun. The entire crew abandoned the ship, therefore a German group went aboard with explosive charges (Oblt.zS Hisch, Masch Ob Burgen, Masch.Mt Schmidt and Masch.Ob.Gefr Ohse). Meanwhile the HMS "ARK ROYAL" launched three SKUA aircrafts belonging to the 803 Sqn. The Skua piloted by Lt R. P. Thurston detected the merchant ship and was surprised to see the submersible to her side, so at once dropped a bomb at low altitude and the own shrapnel punctured the fuel tank and the aircraft caught fire falling into the sea (the crew could abandon the aircraft but only Thurston survived and was captured).

The U 30 crash dived leaving behind Ob. Btsmt Hinisch. The second Skua attacked shortly afterwards but apparently dropped its bombs on the British plane's wreckage and when U 30 surfaced again it was only able to open fire with its machine guns and turned away for lack of fuel,; the boat dived. At this time the third Skua piloted by Lt Guy Griffiths spotted the FANAD HEAD and surprised to find a submersible nearby, threw the bombs at low altitude being shelled by own shrapnel (Lt Guy Griffiths survived and was captured). The U 30 surfaced again rescued her crew (Masch.Mt Schmidt had been seriously injured in these attacks), the British pilots and dived just in time while six Swordfish sent to help arrived on the scene. Finally the FANAD HEAD was sunk by a torpedo G7a from the stern tube. The U 30 was attacked by the Swordfish but escaped unharmed.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
U Boot VII. Vol I. AJ-Press. M. Krzysztalowicz.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The FANAD HEAD seen from the U 30's conning tower.....................<br />
The FANAD HEAD seen from the U 30's conning tower.....................
image029.jpg (144.08 KiB) Viewed 6223 times
A German submersible rescuing pilots of a British bomber North Atlantic waters .......................
A German submersible rescuing pilots of a British bomber North Atlantic waters .......................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On this day was lost in action the first German submarine, when U 39 was sunk, but fortunately the entire crew was rescued. The U 39 had previously attacked the HMS "Ark Royal" at 15:12 hours in the area of Rockall Bank, but both torpedoes exploded prematurely betraying her position. The AS curtain was composed of three Tribal class destroyers to starboard of the aircraft carriers and the destroyers HMS Firedrake, HMS Foxhound and HMS Faulknor to port. The torpedoes had betrayed the U 39 and began the hunt.

HMS Foxhound immediately detected an ASDIC contact, the same was informed to the destroyers HMS Firedrake and HMS Faulknor which confirmed the echo.

The HMS Foxhound headed right to contact followed by the other two and all launched a salvo of depth charges in the same area. Twelve depth charges exploded around the submersible depriving of electric power and U 39 dived to 70 meters. A second salvo cracked valves and flanges so the sea water flooded the battery compartment began to emanate chlorine gas. After 20 minutes Glattes decided that the ship was doomed and blew main ballast tanks, seconds after the submersible slowly emerged at 15:45 hours, the HMS "Foxhound" tried to ram it, but watched the German crew jumping into the water so began the rescue. The type IXA submarine was sunk in Grid 58 º 32 'N - 11 º 49' W.

Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
U Boot VII. Vol I. AJ-Press. M. Krzysztalowicz.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The U 39 going under slowly ..................................
The U 39 going under slowly ..................................
image025.jpg (22.37 KiB) Viewed 6195 times
A boat HMS &quot;Faulknor&quot; rescuing the castaways of the U 39........................
A boat HMS "Faulknor" rescuing the castaways of the U 39........................
image027.jpg (23.12 KiB) Viewed 6195 times
Prisoners of the U 39 at the pier in Kirkwall - Orkney Islands.....................
Prisoners of the U 39 at the pier in Kirkwall - Orkney Islands.....................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 15, 1939 the Belgian merchant Alex van Opstal ( 5965 ton) sunk after striking a mine launched by U 26 on September 10, 1939 in front of Shambles , the ship was carrying 4410 tons of general cargo. The U 30 was authorized to proceed to Reykjavik. The U 36 sank the British cargo ship Truro ( 974 ton) with torpedo and gun shots at 59 ° 20'N - 02 ° 00'W . The ship was carrying 150 tons of general cargo. The lifeboats were towed by the submersible to the Norwegian coast.

The U 53 sank the tanker Cheyenne ( 8825 ton) southwest of Ireland with torpedoes and cannon fire , 6 British sailors lost their lives. The ship was carrying 12,600 tons of fuel. After the sinking the submersible provided with hot tea to the survivors. Later British destroyers attacked the U 53 with depth charges but the U Boat escaped without damage.

The U 37 arrived in Wilhelmshaven after sailing 28 days. Meanwhile returned to Kiel after spending 28 days at sea the following submersibles: U 45, U 46 and U 47.

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Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :wink:
The U 53 during exercises at sea before the war...................
The U 53 during exercises at sea before the war...................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 16, 1939 at 15:53 ​​hours , was recorded the second success of U 27 when she sank with explosive charges the British fishing boat Rudyard Kipling (333 ton) in the vicinity of the Hebrides . Then the German submersible took on board the crew and gave them dry clothes and hot food, dragging their boats towards shore. After 8 hours, the castaways returned to their lifeboats about five MN off the Irish coast .

The U 31 attacked and sank the British steamer Aviemore (4060 ton) at 49 ° 11'N - 13 ° 38'W , 23 sailors were killed and 11 survived, the ship was carrying 5165 tons of sheet and steel. Despite being told of being the first sunken ship of convoy OB -4, the Aviemore actually crossed the wake of the convoy but did not belong to it. The U 31 was attacked with depth charges and suffered minor damage. The U 33 sank the British merchant Arkleside (1567 ton) carrying 2500 tons of coke and coal at 48 ° 00'N - 09 ° 30'W.

The U 41 seized the Finnish merchant Vega (1073 ton) and Suomen Poika (1099 ton) and took them as preys to Germany.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:
The U 31 (Type VIIA) before the war....................................
The U 31 (Type VIIA) before the war....................................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 17, 1939 , the U 36 stopped and controlled four ships that continued her trips because had their papers in order , shortly later the U 36 was attacked by the British submersible HMS/S SEAHORSE that launched four torpedoes without finding its target.

The U 53 attacked and sank the British merchant ship Kafiristan (5193 Ton) loaded with 8870 tons of sugar. The U 53 was attacked by Swordfish aircrafts launched from the HMS "Courageous" but escaped unscathed.

Also this day the commander of U 27 reported to BdU about the premature explosion of a torpedo G7a , the device detonated about 250 meters ahead of the submersible causing slight damage to the bow. This was the third case, counting the U 52 and U 39 who had had the same problem.

After 30 days of sailing the U 41 returned to Wilhelmshaven (where she would be modernized) and U 48 at Kiel, also returned the U 52 and its commander kplt Barten left the command because the boat would be repaired and modernized in the shipyard.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! . :beer:
The U 36 (type VIIA).................
The U 36 (type VIIA).................
image002.jpg (29.53 KiB) Viewed 5675 times
The HMS &quot;Courageous&quot; launching its embarked aviation .................<br />
The HMS "Courageous" launching its embarked aviation .................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

Meanwhile, on September 17, 1939 took place the greatest success of the campaign so far, when the U 29 sank the aircraft carrier HMS "Courageous" (22,500 tons).

At 15:00 hours the HMS "Courageous" received a call for help from the "Kafiristan", reporting that she was under attack by a German submersible (U 53) therefore she launched several aircrafts Swordfish. Around 17:00 hours one of the planes reported contact with the target (actually the U 53 was attacked without damage by 4 Swordfish). Around 18:00 hours the aircrafts returned with almost empty fuel tanks and the aircraft carrier sailed to the wind for receiving them, but this maneuver facilitated the resolution of the U 29 who was in pursuit.

At 19:50 hours the U 29 fired three torpedoes. The blasts that followed were so powerful that the submarine commander thought he was being attacked with depth charges. The U 29 plunged up to 80 meters and then ascended up to 50 meters.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
HMS COURAGEOUS Aircraft Carrier U Boat Real Photo 1937. 26 Jun, 201122:38:22 BST

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:
HMS Courageous
HMS Courageous
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

The aircraft carrier HMS "Courageous" (22,500 ton) with 48 aircraft on board, was hit in the middle of the ship by two torpedoes that traveled a distance of 3,000 meters and sank in 15 minutes at coordinates 50 ° 10 'N / 14 ° 45' W. Out of the 1,520 men who formed his crew, 518were killed, including the ship's commander, Captain W.T. Makeig-Jones. The destroyers did not locate the submarine so the attacker escaped unhurt after enduring four hours of a depth charge attack.

The disaster of "Courageous" was witnessed by the passengers aboard of the Dutch ship "Veendam" (See below)

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Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
HMS COURAGEOUS Aircraft Carrier U Boat Real Photo 1937. 26 Jun, 201122:38:22 BST

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 18, 1939 the U 27 spotted near the Firth of Forth, a British aircraft carrier (HMS Ark Royal?) with destroyers' escort but took no action. The U 26 stopped and controlled the American merchant ship Eglantine. The U 35 stopped the British fishing ship St. Albis but let she go because the crew may not reach land, then sank the fishing vessels Arlite (326 ton) and Lord Minto (295 Ton), but their crews continued aboard the fishing ship Nancy Magne.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
HMS COURAGEOUS Aircraft Carrier U Boat Real Photo 1937. 26 Jun, 201122:38:22 BST

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The submersible Type VIIA U 27, note the aft torpedo launch tube outside the hull ....................................
The submersible Type VIIA U 27, note the aft torpedo launch tube outside the hull ....................................
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 18, 1939 the British merchant ship SS Kensington Court (Captain J Schofield ) of 4,863 tons sailing unescorted from the Argentine port of Rosario to Birkenhead, carrying 8,000 tons of cereals, when at 12:38 hours was attacked by gunfire without warning by U 32 ( kplt Paul Büchel, IWO Oblt Hans Jenisch), between Fastnet y Bishops Rock. After shooting five times the submersible approached the stern of the ship and then the captain decided to stop it and began to lower the boats. Shortly afterwards the crew had abandoned the ship to port, there was a loud explosion to starboard.

The ship finally sank at 14:00 hours but the crew was rescued by two Sunderland flying boats belonging to the RAF, one of the 228. Sqn (F/Lt Thurston M.W. Smith) which rescued 20 sailors and other from the 204. Sqn (F/Lt John Barrett) who rescued another 14, while a third flew over the scene and threw a lifeboat. But the submarine was already gone before the arrival of the aircrafts.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer Uboot U-Boot, KM Bau.
Les "U-Boot" de la seconde guerre mondiale en photos, Répertoire photos des U-Boot (WWII).
HMS COURAGEOUS Aircraft Carrier U Boat Real Photo 1937. 26 Jun, 201122:38:22 BST

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
An overloaded lifeboat rowing towards the RAF seaplane ..................
An overloaded lifeboat rowing towards the RAF seaplane ..................
image017.jpg (18.25 KiB) Viewed 5527 times<br />LIFE 09 Oct 1939.
LIFE 09 Oct 1939.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle of the Atlantic. First Round 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

The first round - War with Great Britain and France!

On September 19, 1939 the U 30 arrived in Reykjavik and disembarked the wounded man and the British pilots, as replacement came aboard an officer of a German merchant ship anchored in the port.

The end of the U-27.

On that very day, the U 27 began her journey back to the homeland, she had been in her patrol area much longer than expected (scheduled sailing back on 15 September). Shortly before midnight the crew on duty in the U 27's conning tower saw shadows silhouetted against the horizon which appeared to be hostile cruisers. The commander decided to attack with three torpedoes armed with magnetic fuzes graduated between 12 and 15 feet. The Commander did not know it but he actually was attacking a force of seven destroyers.

But after launching the torpedoes all went wrong, two exploded prematurely about 30 seconds after leaving the tubes and the third missed the target. The destroyer HMS "Fortune" heard the explosions, detected the submarine and went on the attack. Kplt Franz now correctly identified the enemy and quickly went to dive. The attack of HMS "Fortune" was vague and threw five depth charges; in a second pass the destroyer launched five other charges graduated between 30 and 45 meters.

This time the charges exploded near the U 27 causing serious damage and bending the propeller shaft. However outbursts caused the echo was lost and began an arduous search. While the U 27 at a depth of 120 meters was silent and tried to track down the attackers through her hydrophones. At 1:27 hours on September 20, 1939, the HMS "Forester" carried out a charge attack on a contact but without effects. At 2:12 hours the HMS "Fortune" regained contact and launched another series of charges between 30 and 75 meters which caused further damage to the submersible.

After assessing the damage the commander decided to emerge and try to escape under cover of the darkness. But the HMS "Fortune" was able to detect the U 27 and opened fire with her artillery. Franz, two officers and 16 crew members jumped overboard whereupon the HMS "Fortune" ceased fire and tried to capture the boat but failed. A British prey crew reached the U 27 but failed to penetrate into her due to gases. The U 27 sank slowly at 03:50 hours in position 58 ° 35'N - 09 ° 02'W after spending 26 days at sea. The 38 members of the crew were rescued.

Fotoalbum-U-Boot-Atlantikboot-Feindfahrten-FrontbootTop bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 14_02_10 200556 MEZ)
U-BOAT U-27 ~ 14 RARE ORIGINAL PHOTOS. ... title=U_27 (offline).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The U 27 in the old happy days.................................................<br />(Thanks to Bruce7506 - Pascal)
The U 27 in the old happy days.................................................
(Thanks to Bruce7506 - Pascal)
u27r[1].jpg (83.03 KiB) Viewed 5467 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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