Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; trying to discuss a new topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

The bridgehead. The Destruction of 12th Division - 20th May 1940

12th (Eastern) Division was one formation called into service by Hore-Belisha's doubling of the Territorial Army in the Spring of 1939, a political gesture executed without consulting the Chiefs of Staff which resulted in raising a large number of volunteers for whom no arms could be provided. In March 1940 it was decided that three of these second line divisions (12th, 23rd & 46th) should be sent to France for pioneer duties building marshalling yards, airfields and depots.

On the 16th May 46th Division, stationed around St Nazaire, was ordered up to Seclin, South of Lille. On arrival they were ordered to keep the roads clear of refugees but almost immediately they were swept into a combatant role, as was 23rd Div. This left 12 Div (Maj. Gen. RL Petre) as the only British unit south of the Somme. But this division was dismantled since the 36 Brigade was sent to Lens, the 37 Brigade towards Amiens and the 35 Brigade towards Abbeville, to make matters worse it lost its commander assigned to the defense of Arras (Petre FORCE).

When Brig Wyatt took over command of 12th Div he had one brigade in contact with HQ but no information about the enemy. Meanwhile Brig. de Cordova's 35th (Queens) Brigade was setting up in an arc which stretched from the Somme South of Abbeville to the St Omer road overlooking the airfield to the North. They established road blocks on the 3 main roads leading out of their position but their orders were "Positions are not to be tactical but areas are allotted with regard to the fact that the brigade may have to defend Abbeville".

The 3 Queens battalions were the worst armed in the division having only 3 Brens and 5 A/T rifles in each battalion. At 1100 a devastating air attack on Abbeville not only destroyed the bridges over the Somme but put the telephone system out of order, so that comms had to be sent by despatch rider or runner. At 1415 hrs Brig. Wyatt sent them an order to "Carry out recce for withdrawal of 1 battalion across the Somme to protect right flank, also to consider manner of withdrawal of remainder of brigade across river" and at 1715 hours: "Enemy reported at 1200 hrs today in vicinity of Doullens with AFVs. 35 Brigade will withdraw across the Somme and take up positions on west bank covering roads Abbeville - Blagny and Abbeville - Eu. Right flank will be refused to cover approaches from South".

By that time 35th (Queens) Brigade had effectively ceased to exist. Trouble had started on their left where late in the afternoon 2/6th Oueens found Germans on either side of them but the whole battalion escaped, except for the rearguard platoon which was surprised by tanks as they crossed the St Omer road. The rest of the Brigade suffered more severely. 2/7th Queens in the centre of the position fired off all their A/T ammo to halt an attack by light tanks, but when battalion HQ sent out orders to withdraw the message was miscarried and only the HQ company and 2 platoons reached the river. The remainder stayed where they were and were rounded up the following morning. Even when a company which had been detached to guard an ammo dump near Amiens rejoined them, the battalion could not find as many as 200 men. The 2/5th on the right also held off some light tanks. They were required to hold on until 2/7th had fallen back behind them. When at 2300 hrs the order to retreat was given it was found that the main road along the river bank was piqueted by tanks. Lt. Col. Young split the battalion into small groups and told them to make their own way across the Somme as best they could. 120 men escaped.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

The bridgehead.

Between May 18 and 20 of 1940, the German had established six bridgeheads across the Somme’s south river bank, one of them was at Abbeville. The valleys of la Trie (north) and Bellifontaine (south) together with the Somme outlined a triangular shape ground with Mount Caubert as its dominating feature. The southwest edge of it has not any natural barrier and by its centre, at Huppy, ran the road Abbeville – Rouen. Hence Huppy was strongly organized by the Germans.

On 25th May 1940, General v. Manstein’s XXXVIII AK received orders to relieve General v. Wietersheim’s XIV AK (Mot), which General v. Kleist had left behind to secure his rear on the lower Somme, in the Abbeville-Amiens sector. The XXXVIII AK took over on 27th May 1940. The 2 ID (Mot), which was to be relieved by 57 ID, was holding a bridgehead around Abbeville on the left - or southern - bank of the river.

In order to establish a new defensive line along the Somme and protect the ports still in Allied hands it was necessary to drive back the German behind the river (north of it).

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
British troops of the 1st Border Regiment of the 51 DI going to the front in a small truck Morris - May 1940.
British troops of the 1st Border Regiment of the 51 DI going to the front in a small truck Morris - May 1940.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

It was carried out by the DLC (Divisions Légères de Cavalerie) and the Armored Brigade Evans. The actions started during the night 24 to 25 May 1940 when the 2éme and 3éme DLC tried to establish contact with the enemy in order to make clear the unknown situation. The 5éme DLC was delayed so it could join only on May 26 1940.

On May 25 1940, both DLC had reached the Somme’s river bank, certainly with some difficulties. The 3éme DLC between Picquigny and Longpré; the 2éme DLC from Longpré to Pont Remy. However, the crossing points were in German hands. Hostile positions were reconnoitred more to the west, south of Abbeville at Moyenneville, Huppy and the crest of Moulin de Bellevue. The French High Command planned an attack with the DLC reinforced by the Armored Brigade Evans, which should arrive there on May 26 1940.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The British tanks were however for reconnaissance tasks mainly so were slightly armored, fast but light. The A9, A13 and Mark VI would act with courage but they would be massacred. On May 27 1940 the attack went under way; the 2éme DLC moved on by Limeux and southwest of Huppy; the 5éme DLC through Saigneville and Moyenneville, each supported by one british armored brigade. The british casualties were high and 21 tanks were destroyed. The casualties sustained by the 2éme DLC were high too only the 5éme DLC could report a success for it reached the Somme at Petit-Port and the river bank up to Saint Valery sur Somme, which remained in enemy hands.

General v. Manstein recalled: General v. Wietersheim, Commanding General of 14 Panzer Corps, had told me at the handover that he did not anticipate any large-scale enemy activity. One hour after he left, reports came in that both bridgeheads were being violently attacked and that enemy armour had appeared in each place. However, both attacks were beaten off by the afternoon after several heavy French tanks had been knocked out at Amiens and thirty light and medium British ones at Abbeville. Of the latter, a gunner called Hubert Brinkforth accounted for nine single-handed. He was the first private soldier proposed for the Knight's Cross.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Hubert Brinkforth.
Hubert Brinkforth.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The Day of Abbeville.

On May 27 1940 the Anti-tank company of Hubert Brinkforth, the 14. /IR 25, was emplaced in the south end of the village of Huppy to the south-east of Abbeville. The town only had an approach route. The men knew that, as the spearhead of the XXXVIII AK in the bridgehead on the left margin of the Somme were in a hastily organized position. Brinkforth had camouflaged skillfully its antitank piece in the outskirts’ orchards. It was at dawn when shortly after the 05:00 hours the noise of the heavy motors was listened to. They could not be trucks, so they must be enemy tanks. Alarm! And the hunters occupied position behind their arms. Around 05:30 hours were detected the first enemy tanks, advancing on the German positions. And the message for the battalion, " the enemy attacks with tanks! ".

The anti-tank position had identified its targets. At 5:42 Brinkforth saw the first tank, the loader prepared an anti-tank grenade. Brinkforth tried to count how many enemies coming at them, about fifteen tanks, he stopped counting, then came the order of the gun leader, Uffz. Krohn: "open fire!". The grenade fired by Brinkforth hit the first British tank at 150 meters. First, there was no effect, then the tank was slowly stopping and then suddenly came a flash of the tower, and a loud explosion, the enemy tank blew through the air.

Minutes later the second tank caught fire in front the German positions. Now Brinkforth was pointing to the command tank as the next target. It had a blue and white pennant in the turret, was a large tank of 30 tons and it was unlikely that the pak of 37 mm could penetrate their armor. With a succession of impacts Brinkforth also knocked out this enemy. Other British tanks began to take the German anti-tank gun as its target. It needed a change of position urgently. Shortly after theBrinkforth’s gun was back in combat. Again and again sought the best way to beat the attacking tanks. Then in the heat of battle a tank accidentally rolled over Brinkforth position. The armored were only forty feet when detected the antitank position which turned their weapons and beat them even with multiple impacts. Out of 30 enemy tanks, Brinkforth knocked out 10; demoralized, the rest withdrew from the battlefield. The small gunner had achieved all this in just 20 minutes from 5:42 until 6:02.

The report of the German Army dated on May 28 of 1940 reported that: “Yesterday From the first hours, the enemy carries out strong attacks against our bridgeheads in Abbeville and Amiens. In spite of the tank support the enemy has not been able to break through our positions. In Amiens several French tanks were destroyed. In Abbeville, only the antitank gunner Brinkforth, Gefreite in an infantry regiment, destroyed nine confirmed tanks of the enemy and made unusable two others". (Hubert Brinkforth fell in action in Russia on June 05 of 1942 due south of Pogostje in the area of the Wolchow River).

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Grave of Hubert Brinkforth - Wolchow area 1942.
Grave of Hubert Brinkforth - Wolchow area 1942.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The 57th ID's way to Abbeville.

A little History.

The 57. Infanterie-Division was mobilized as part of the 2nd Wave on 26 August 1939 in Landshut, Germany. The division was formed using mostly reserve personnel from Bavaria and immediately sent to southern Poland as part of Heeresgruppe Sud. On 21 September 1939, following the Polish campaign, the division’s Infanterie-Regiment 199 was given the title “List”, in honor of the Bavarian Regiment that Hitler served with during World War One. During the winter of 1939-40 the division was held in the reserve of OKH. In preparation for the invasion of France and the Low Countries, the 57. Infanterie-Division was moved westward during April 1940 and assigned to the 4. Armee of Heeresgruppe B.

The units under this division were:

Infanterie-Regiment 179
Infanterie-Regiment 199
Infanterie-Regiment 217
Artillerie-Regiment 157
Aufklarungs-Abteilung 157
Panzerjager-Abteilung 157
Pionier-Bataillon 157
Nachrichten-Abteilung 157

According to a veteran who served in the 5./ AR 179 his unit was ready for marching on May 11, 1940. A battery of field artillery had four light-howitzers of 105 mm. The gun and the observation wagon were pulled by three teams of horses, vehicles of ammunition, by two teams of horses and the rest of the column for two or one team. The battery had about 130 men and about the same number of horses.

On May 12, 1940 shipping and rail transport: Wächtersbach - Frankfurt - Mainz - Koblenz –Andernach. March to Kripp am Rhein. From 14 to 17 May, 1940 march up through the Ahr Valley and Eiffel. Altenahr - Ahrweiler - Pelm - Gerolstein - Matzerath - Luneberg - fortifications of the Siegfried Line - Dasburg.

On May 18, 1940 at noon was crossed the border with Luxembourg, in Clerve the people were friendly and regaled flowers and cigarettes. At 20 hours, crossing the border between Luxembourg and Belgium reaching Bastogne. On May 20, 1940 at midnight crossing the border between Belgium and France by Nahon.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
On the French-Belgian border....
On the French-Belgian border....
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The 57th ID's way to Abbeville.

On May 21, 1940 the march went on by Fontaine de Brulet - Monthermé, crossing the Meuse by a pontoon bridge;

First tomb: two French aviators; one kilometer after, the second grave, four German soldiers then the march proceeded by Mazure - Bourg Fidele - Etalle / Vervins - Le Pont de Pierre - Bossus - Auberton - Martigny - Hirson - Vervins.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Towards the Meuse at Monthermé............
Towards the Meuse at Monthermé............
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The grave of four German soldiers, one kilometer after the Meuse crossing........
The grave of four German soldiers, one kilometer after the Meuse crossing........
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The 57th ID's way to Abbeville.

The unit had already 14 days of forced marches, traveling between 40-60 kilometers a day always behind the armored divisions. The few hours of sleep were in the open air under the vehicles. The phrase: first the horse, then the man had been fulfilled to the fullest. Without the help of our comrades, taking care of the horses would have been impossible. More than a horse had collapsed and had to be shot. Anyway had much cattle, abandoned cows and horses, running free everywhere.

The German Luftwaffe had the air superiority, despite of that, the French and British planes attacked the marching columns over and over again with bombs and machine guns. On the road the same picture: destruction everywhere, positions and abandoned villages, destroyed tanks, burned cars, bridges blown up, planes shot down, destroyed cities, columns of refugees, prisoners, wounded and dead.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Brief pause in the march to the front.
Brief pause in the march to the front.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, First attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The 57th ID's way to Abbeville.

From 24 to May 27, 1940 marching parallel to the front, the artillery fire was stronger, the burning villages could be seen at night, and the confusion grew. Origny St.Benoite - Hornblieres - St.Quentin - Peronne -Bopaume - St. Albert - Bellenglise - Basentin – Fixcourt.

On May 28, 1940 take-over with a motorized division which continued towards the Canal. First firing position at Flesseles near Abbeville. Baptism of fire in the building of the positions under heavy artillery fire. On the night shift towards positions around Bellancourt.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A stop of the division while marching to the front - May 1940.
A stop of the division while marching to the front - May 1940.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 25 – 27 of May of 1940.

The 4 DCR under General De Gaulle, comprised two half-brigades: one the 6 Demi-Brigade with tanks B1 bis and the other the 8 Demi-Brigade with Light tanks R-35; besides it had a cavalry element with tanks Somua and had as infantry the 22ème RIC plus the 4 BCP (Bataillon de Chasseurs Portés). It had on hand well tested artillery.

During the night from 27 to 28 May 1940, the French units were assembled around Poix when they were told that an attack against the bridgehead at Abbeville was expected to be carried out next day. Indeed that same night it took place the relief of the German troops, being deployed there the 57 ID (Bavarian) under General Blümm subordinated to the XXXVIII AK of General v. Manstein. This was a division of second order that had already seen the combat in Poland.

On May 28 1940, at noon, General De Gaulle had a meeting with his subordinated and issued their tasks: the cavalry and the colonial Infantry should attack from south to north, from Bellifontaine to Mareuil-Caubert; the light tanks from Limeaux to Caumont and Huchenneville while the heavy tanks with the 4 BCP along the axis Huppy – Les Croisettes – Caubert.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The German defenses at Mt Caubert (57 ID) were still weak to resist the French attack ... ... ... ...
The German defenses at Mt Caubert (57 ID) were still weak to resist the French attack ... ... ... ...
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 28 – 30 of May of 1940.

28 May 1940.

At 13:00 the conference of Oisemont was over. The Unit's Commanders, whose units were to 10 or 15 kilometers of distance had just a short time to occupy their positions. Anyway, this excludes any previous reconnaissance of the ground. The most part of the tank crewmen regroups behind Bellifontaine. The 44 º BCC assembled its R.35 in the bois of Limeux and the heavy tanks gained Doudelainville. The 4ème Chasseur marched from Oisemont to Warcheville. De Gaulle was in Mérélessart.

Attack of the 22 RIC.

The regiment was to attack at 17:00 hours after a short artillery preparation and with the support of tanks on the axis Bailleul, Villers-sur-Mareuil, Mareuil, Monts-Caubert and a front of 5 km.

The order of attack of Colonel Le Tacon was:

The attack will be executed by

- The 1st Battalion, right up to Bailleul, with a frontage of about 2km
- The 2nd Battalion, left up to Limeux, approximately 2km front, link to the left with the battalion of chasseurs of the armored division,
- The 3rd Battalion will march as a reserve behind 2nd Battalion and astride the road Limeux, Caumont, Mont-Caubert.

Objective 1 was limited to the right by the north edge of the Bois de Fréchencourt and left by the boundary north of Caumont.

The 2nd Goal to the right by Caubert and to the left by the western slopes of Mont-Caubert.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.
Section patrimoine des Amis du CIS Nº 13. Les Années de guerre.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 28 – 30 of May of 1940.

28 May 1940.

At 17:00 hours, a powerful artillery preparation of 6000 shells was unleashed on the positions of the Somme and the Mont de Caubert. Immediately after that, the attack was launched. The liaison officers followed the actions and reported them to Mérélessart. Soon, it was see that the preparation time was short and that not everyone was able to move forward together. The riders and the colonial troops were overdue. After advancing 500 meters the 22 º RIC was nailed to the ground by the German fire. However, Huppy was conquered after heavy fighting, Caumont was reached and the bois de Fréchencourt was exceeded.

At 18:00 hours the tanks arrived and the attack was resumed; at 19:00 hours the 1st Battalion seized the towns of Bailleul and Bellifontaine. At 21:00 hours the same happened with the Mill of Bellevue and the bois Fréchencourt. The 2nd Battalion took the mill of Limeux and the town and castle of Caumont, strongly defended. The 3rd Battalion progressed to Caumont Castle Park, where it was placed the CP of the Regiment. At 22:00 hours the night had fallen through, and all the battalions reinforced their positions, the losses were severe. The attack must be continued at 05:00 hours the following morning.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.
Section patrimoine des Amis du CIS Nº 13. Les Années de guerre.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A half-track Sd Kfz 7 destroyed around Huppy - May 28, 1940.
A half-track Sd Kfz 7 destroyed around Huppy - May 28, 1940.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 28 – 30 of May of 1940.

28 May 1940.

The Infantry continued behind the heavy tanks to Huppy. Despite the surprise the Germans still hold the town and hide themselves in the way of the tanks, which were by now at Croisettes. The Cdt. Bertrand, who has made all of the 1914-1918’s war, maneuver and research in the village. There he collected more than 300 prisoners. Some elements had already reached Bienfay. By nightfall, the Germans have retreated 4 km.

The booty was considerable. Huppy, the Croisette, Caumont, Huchenneville, Bray were achieved. Some tanks of the 44 B.C.C. had even reached Mareuil, but had to retreat without support. It was an undeniable success for the French. De Gaulle moved to Huppy’s Castle.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.
Section patrimoine des Amis du CIS Nº 13. Les Années de guerre.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A Le FH 18 105 mm of the AR 157 unleashing its fire to support the combat of the German infantry.
A Le FH 18 105 mm of the AR 157 unleashing its fire to support the combat of the German infantry.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 28 – 30 of May of 1940.

29 May 1940.

The General Commanding Officer of the XXXVIII AK (v. Manstein) recalled: At Abbeville, on the other hand, things took a critical turn on 29th May. Here, after a series of strenuous marches, 57 Infantry Division, which had so far no experience of action, had taken over from 2 Motorized Division. Shortly after its arrival an enemy attack supported by strong British armour broke into a number of German positions and caused heavy losses not only in killed and wounded, but also, as was later discovered, in prisoners. I myself had driven out to Abbeville just in time to meet a German battalion which, probably through having misunderstood its orders, had evacuated its positions and was now marching back through the town. I turned it straight round again, and in due course the division was master of the situation.

On May 29 the attack was resumed. Unfortunately during the night the Germans had reinforced the bridgehead with antiaircraft guns, the mighty 88. Until then opposed the French tanks the Pak 36 guns of 37 mm manned by brave crews that shot at the last minute and many of them were crushed by tank’s tracks of the armored French . But these weapons were not match for the French vehicles which had a good armor.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.
Section patrimoine des Amis du CIS Nº 13. Les Années de guerre.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The 88-mm anti-aircraft batteries were directed towards Abbeville.
The 88-mm anti-aircraft batteries were directed towards Abbeville.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Abbeville - 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all ; more about this topic........................

Abbeville 27 May till 05 Jun of 1940.

Abbeville, Second Attack. 28 – 30 of May of 1940.

29 May 1940.

On the right bank of the river Somme, the heavy German batteries were in fire's position, they had aerial observation provided by the liaison aircraft. On the plain of St. Gilles they counted with multiple emplacements and constantly changing its position being horse-drawn. However, its effectiveness was quite poor against the mobile machines. With the arrival of the anti-aircraft artillery during the night, everything changed. The Germans had found that long barreled guns of 88 mm were powerful antitank weapons and its ability to penetrate was much higher.

On May 29 in the morning the attack was resumed against an enemy demoralized and physically worn out but still better armed. The French cavalry maintained as its axis of attack Moyenneville, heavy tanks by Les Croisettes and light tanks in front of Villers. But the losses were indeed heavy.

Sources: Lost Victories. Erich v. Manstein.
http://batailles-1939-1940.historyboard ... s-t104.htm
Militaria Magazine Hs21 Le Mois Terrible La Bataille D'abbeville.
In zwanzig Minuten elf Feindpanzer abgeschossen. Ralph Tegethoff De junio de 2004.
The Destruction of 12th Division. 20th May 1940 by Pete Gill
Heimat Wolfur. Set 1992. Tagebuch eines Wolfurters zwischen 1939 und 1946.
Section patrimoine des Amis du CIS Nº 13. Les Années de guerre.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The 88 mm managed to stop the French tanks just before they could overwhelm the German positions.
The 88 mm managed to stop the French tanks just before they could overwhelm the German positions.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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