The 6 Pz in 1940.

German Heer 1935-1945.

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Re: The 6 Pz in 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; something more on this unit.......................

Through Belgium and France with a Panzer division – 6 Pz in the west 1940.

Fall Gelb – May of 1940.

Towards the Channel’s coast.

On May 23 of 1940, the 6 Pz went towards Calais when about 06:20 hours it received the order to turn due north; at 10:00 hours the vanguard of the Kampfgruppe von Esebeck, constituted by the AA 6 adopted the new direction of advance. Now the Division was approached towards Kassel, where the Headquarters of the BEF was located at that time. However, the attack foreseen for next day (May 24 of 1940) was finally posponed. In the period stretched from May 23 till may 26 of 1940, the II. /AR 76 (Major Dr. Albrecht Aschoff) marched on St. Omer through Hallines, Wizernes and Arques.

As a result of the order of halting issued by the German High Command, on May 25 of 1940, the division held its positions on the own side of the channel, reason why the Pi Btl 57 took care again of the bridge of Arques only that this time preparing its demolition instead of to prevent it. In this opportunity and while they were prepared the explosive charges, the wooden superstructure of the bridge caught fire, reason why while several soldiers fought the flames, a sergeant ran towards one of the charges which was in danger to detonate due to the fire. While he worked in the maneuver, the explosive detonated throwing the sergeant into the water. The fire finally was extinguished but the wounded man passed away shortly after.

Sources: Artillerie-Regiment 76 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
Panzer Aces. Chapter 1. Franz Bäke.
The 6th Panzer Division 1937 – 45. Oberst a.D. Helmut Ritgen.
3d Battalion 4th Armored Regiment Forces a Crossing of the Meuse River at Monthermé May 13, 1940. Lieutenant Colonel James Crockett. Military Review Vol XXI, Nº 83.
Diario de una Campaña. Ingenieros “Panzer” a través de Bélgica y Francia. Ingenieros en Combate. Brig General Paul W. Thompson. Círculo Miltar.
PANZER Photo Album. Auction of Historical media 2007. LLC (now expired). Sábado, 25 de Octubre de 2008.
Mit dem K durch Frankreich.
Blitzkrieg Legende. K.H. Fischer.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The 6 Pz in 1940.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; something more on this unit.......................

Through Belgium and France with a Panzer division – 6 Pz in the west 1940.

Fall Gelb – May of 1940.

Towards the Channel’s coast.

On May 26 of 1940, it was ordered the 6 Pz to reassume its attack on Kassel but the British had taken advantage of the delay, turning the locality into a strong point, being useful for that the terrain in the form of terraces on which the urban area was based. Kassel was defended by the British 145 Brigade of Infantry. On May 27 of 1940, the division jumped off from the bridgeheads; based on its previous experience with the French, the Kampfgruppe von Esebeck carried out the attack from the south and the east with panzers without a proper support of infantry so it was not able to break through the defenses, suffering in the process strong losses, hence the action was called off by midnight.

Meanwhile on May 28 of 1940, to the right it was engaged the Kampfgruppe von Ravenstein, made up of elements of SR 4, Pz Abt 65 and II. /AR 76. During the advance, the locality of Hondeghem was surpassed and in order to clear the mentioned town a company was detached which, in spite of the armored support, took serious losses (including the Company Commander Oberleutnant Sültmann and Leutnant Winkelsträter) the English resisted until midnight. Nevertheless the Kampfgruppe was successful in its attempt to break through the enemy lines due east of Kassel and managed to penetrate up to Abeele on the fortifications of the franco-belgian border, owing it, the British garrison, which resisted there, began to evacuate the city. When it tried to break towards Dunkirk during the night of May 29 of 1940 it clashed against the Battle Group Koll in the neighborhoods of Droogland. The booty captured there consisted of the Commander of the Brigade, 40 officers and near 2000 NCOs and soldiers; in addition 50 enemy tanks burned on the battlefield.

On the following day, the 6 Pz was withdrew from the frontline and went to the rest to prepare itself for the new phase of the campaign, the Battle of France.

Sources: Artillerie-Regiment 76 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
Panzer Aces. Chapter 1. Franz Bäke.
The 6th Panzer Division 1937 – 45. Oberst a.D. Helmut Ritgen.
3d Battalion 4th Armored Regiment Forces a Crossing of the Meuse River at Monthermé May 13, 1940. Lieutenant Colonel James Crockett. Military Review Vol XXI, Nº 83.
Diario de una Campaña. Ingenieros “Panzer” a través de Bélgica y Francia. Ingenieros en Combate. Brig General Paul W. Thompson. Círculo Miltar.
PANZER Photo Album. Auction of Historical media 2007. LLC (now expired). Sábado, 25 de Octubre de 2008.
Mit dem K durch Frankreich.
Blitzkrieg Legende. K.H. Fischer.

¡Felices Pascuas! - Happy Easter! - Joyeuses Pâques! - Frohe Ostern! - Feliz Páscoa! - Buona Pasqua! - Wesołych Świąt!

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Costs of the victory; remnants of a Pkw set afire in the background and in foreground a Pz 35 KW (t) out of action.
Costs of the victory; remnants of a Pkw set afire in the background and in foreground a Pz 35 KW (t) out of action.
image002.jpg (29.08 KiB) Viewed 1761 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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