The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

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The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

Post by kahl »

A brand NEW norwegian book, regarding the norwegians killed in german war service is out.

Eirik Veum
In cooperation with Geir Brenden

The Fallen
Norwegians killed in German War Service

This is a book about the ones who chose ?the wrong side?, Norwegian citizens who believed in Germany, in the national socialism of Vidkun Quisling and who thereby became supporters of the Nazi system. More than 12 000 Norwegians enrolled for German War Service during the Second World, of them 5 500 were privates or officers in the Waffen-SS. Together with other volunteers they served as soldiers in the elite troops of Adolf Hitler at the Eastern front.
836 Norwegians and 26 Swedes fell in war actions, died imprisoned or in accidents. It is the first time a collected picture is at hand, with photographs and names of these soldiers, how they were killed and where they are buried ? or whether they are still missing. The book also enlists the names of Norwegians who served and fell in squads where serious war crimes were committed.
This is a story about defeat, death, destruction and suffering, still an awkward subject to talk about. Author Eirik Veum lends the persons who participated in the most brutal and bloody front troops a face, by telling about their personal history filled with fear, hope, pain and grief. The aim of this book is to bring about facts that should have been known 60 years ago.
?If we are to learn from history, we have to know all it?s parts,? writes Eirik Veum.

Eirik Veum (b. 1975) is a journalist and a head of the journalist?s desk in the news department of NRK. He used to be a reporter in VG and NRK Brennpunkt, and has worked as a reporter, head of the desk and commentator in NRK?s daily news since 2003. Veum has made more news stories about the Norwegian front fighters for NRK Dagsrevyen, for which he has earned awards within the NRK corporation. As he is illuminating the efforts of the Norwegians during the last fightings in Berlin, he reveals possible war crimes committed by Norwegians in the Waffen-SS. The international law system provides persons with clear rights to look for and to bury their fallen relatives, and Eirik Veum has made sure this subject has come to light in the media.
The Fallen is Veums first book.
Geir Brenden (b. 1971) has one of Norway?s largest photo collection documenting the Norwegians efforts in the German Service during the Second World War. For 22 years he has systemized the tales, documents, news articles and photos of the front fighters. Brenden has issued two books in his own publishing company: Norske krigsfrivillige på tysk side nr. 1 and Utmerkelser. He has cooperated with Derek M. Schei on the book Tragedien om de trofaste, as well as the photo book Nordmennene på Østfronten together with Egil Ulateig. Brenden has contributed with his knowledge, photos and archive material in a number of documentary stories and programmes for NRK as well as issuing about ten Norwegian and foreign books, among them Hitlers hemmelige agenter by Tore Pryser, Fars krig by Bjørn Westlie, Waffen SS Encyclopedia by Marc J. Rikmenspoel and Svenskar i krig 1914-1945 by Lars Gyllenhaal and Lennart Westberg.
Geir Brenden lives in Gjøvik where he works as a security worker for Securitas.

The book can be ordred here;
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Re: The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

Post by bil »

I am assuming this is in Norwegian? Also,is his picture book availlable? I don't need to read Norwegian to look at pictures!] Thank you,in any language it looks like a good book. ---bil
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Re: The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

Post by book lover »

Please let there be an English edition!
looks like a great book.
My great,great , grandfather was norwegian.He jumped ship in Newfoundland in 1805.
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Re: The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

Post by Nicolai »

Just ordered a copy, ought to be interesting.

Doubt that there will be an English edition, you'll probably have to learn Norwegian or commission a translation if you want to read the book. :?
Marc Rikmenspoel
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Re: The Fallen Norwegians killed in German War Service

Post by Marc Rikmenspoel »

Wow, I'm mentioned in a press release. I ought to be rich if I'm this famous... :wink:

I'm sure this will be an impressive work if my friend Geir is a part of it. I hope to see a copy soon.
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