"Let me entertain you....."

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Re: "Let me entertain you....."

Post by phylo_roadking »

After further discussion, it has been decided to close this thread temporarily - pending the delivery of the anticipated summonses :wink:


Remember THIS?
You could have said WHATEVER you wanted to say about my books and their contents. But you made it personal and led a charge aboard a sinking rat-ship. You have VIOLATED THE LAW on many fronts by what you have deemed a personal crusade. At this point we know WHO YOU ARE and WHERE YOU LIVE. Your tech-savvy BS has successfully and effectively accumulated in a slew of ILLEGAL activity. Miller, Munoz, Clemens, et al, YOU boarded this sinking rat-ship WITHOUT ANY SUBSTANTIAL VERIFICATION FOR THE ILLEGAL CLAIMS YOU MADE ABOUT ME AND MY WORKS. That's the bottom line. You professed yourselves as experts, made a mockery of your "expertise", interfered with my right to earn an income and have blatantly stated opinion as fact. Oh... November 1st has been a GOOD DAY... the summonses are being issued.... that's right... it's in motion... Oh... MORE of Harker's BS?? Check it out guys. You're HIT!!!
and THIS?
Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this. Ahhh... but so do the police. And even more... so does the FBI. You see, the FBI handles the majority of crimes generated through use of the internet. Slander, libel, etc. falls under Federal jurisdiction when it takes place via the internet in blogs or through online forum posts. Now I'd like you all to pay attention because I'm doing you a favor by educating you for free. What I've learned has cost me a lot of money. But no harm done. I'll recoup it from you very soon.
and THIS?
After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)


John P. Moore
Frederick L. Clemens (VA)
Antonio J. Munoz (NY)
Richard Hargreaves
Doug Nash
Michael (Miguel) D. Miller
Robert Ungurean (PA)
Well - guess what???

It's Christmas - and God bless us, one and all!

And what HASN'T happened???

Yes, that's right - NO summonses; NO police calls; NO official contact of ANY sort for ANYONE.

Paul K. Harker has once again shown himself to be a lying bullshit artist. He grandstanded with all that for the benefit of his family AGAIN - and nothing AT ALL has happened. Because he was LYING. To THEM. AGAIN. There were no summonses, no FBI inquiry, no PSNI inquiry.

We knew there wasn't...have known from the start - but thought we'd let yet another Paul Harker bullshit checkpoint get knocked down by NON-events. Christmas is here, and as we knew it wouldn't, nothing has happened.

You keep showing yourself up, boy - you keep proving you're a liar.
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds