Why was the ridiculous beret so widely adopted?

German uniforms, clothing, and awards 1919-1945.

Moderator: John W. Howard

sid guttridge
on "time out"
Posts: 8055
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2002 4:54 am

Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Reb,

Ahhhh, the pelisse! Only a deformed baboon that was already dead could be forced into it as originally intended!

Tell your wife that the fluffy trim picks up dust as you wander about the house and will save her work.

However, how she will explain what will look like your cross-dressing habits to the neighbours might be more problematical. I am sure the Hussar got left out the line up of the Village People as too camp!



Post by Kommandeur »

You do make me laugh, Sid! Excellent posts!

While thinking about berets, is there a reference for the colour worn by British regiments in WWII? The Parachute regiment, Commandos and RTR are well known (maroon, green and black respectively). At least some of the Guards are khaki. But what of, say, 1st or 2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry (WWII Armoured car regiments)?


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