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Feldgrau Publsihed Author: Richard P. Wade

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:53 am
by HB Wade
It is an honor to join the Feldgrau list of authors. My first book was published in September 2015 and is titled;

"The Survivors Of The Kurland Pocket 1944-1945", Fortress Series 1

This text is the first installment of the Fortress Series, the second and third volumes are already well down the tracks and slated for 2016 and 2017 publishing dates.

The series actively explores both military history and aspects of military science of combat operations, starting with this period in the Kurland from summer 1944 through May 1945. The new research and findings are primarily based upon archival studies as well as covering three areas of existing source material. My extended travels in Eastern Europe were a highly productive facet in researching these first three volumes and took place during the period of my graduate studies break.

Academically I was fortunate to have studied under a long roll of noted historians; Dr. Paul Hutton, Dr. Brett Woods, Dr. Jon Mikolashek, Dr. Stanley Carpenter, Dr. John Chappo and Dr. Don Sine. Stanley Carpenter was a student under Gerhard Weinberger at North Carolina and a prized connection to the storied Second World War historian. Carpenter had a major impact on several aspects of the text and the areas of new scholarship. The primary advisor Dr. Sine was a three time battle field promoted Vietnam veteran during the Tet Offensive and oversaw the research work and publication of the material. The majority of the instructors were all US Army War College personnel and the published material illustrates this technical facet in addressing the Kurland Pocket, it's operations, command and tactical aspects.

The initial group of readers has included former US Army Command SGT Major Paul Belanger, US Army Command SGT Major Mike A. Kelso, US Army Historian Second Armor Group Museum Grafenwohl Germany; SGT Lance Dyckman and US Army/ DOD Fort Benning SGT Bruce Henry.

The academic research study is based up the historical method of Leopold von Ranke and has a focus on German Command Leadership and subsequent Tactical Field operations. There is good coverage of Soviet, German and Latvian persepctives and a well developed historical narrative established. The work has been well received initially by both professional historians and history enthusiasts as well as professional combat soldiers, it is not designed to be the end word on the Kurland period but to establish a base narrative and allow for, and encourage further studies and publications on the subject. A great deal of new scholarship has created some excitement as has the historiography and duscussions of source materials. The Second Volume of the Fortress Series; Grand Battles of the Kurland Campaign will follow this work and include the remainder of detail information not included for reasons of space/editting constraints as well as the full Soviet perspective, photos, maps and divisional relic materials.


Richard P. Wade MA

Re: Feldgrau Publsihed Author: Richard P. Wade

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:22 pm
by Tom Houlihan
Congratulations! Sounds like in in-depth work!

Re: Feldgrau Publsihed Author: Richard P. Wade

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:47 am
by HB Wade
Thanks Tom,

It was a challenging project and yet full of reward as it went through the devlopment phases. It has been outstanding to start getting consumer market feedback as the material hits the general market. It's great motivation for my next couple of projects and driving them along. We'll see how the combination of detail military science and military history do moving forward, there's a great deal of the leadership and command aspects which still have application for the modern battlefield. Great material to review and examine in depth.
