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Re: Humor in the Wehrmacht

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:43 pm
by haen2
Jocularity - Jocularity - Jocularity, as Father Mulcahe would say.
Good comeback. :up:

Re: Humor in the Wehrmacht

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:05 am
by Rolf Steiner
Ok so now we've worked up to another long one!

A serviceman is dying in a hospital bed. Feebly he calls out to the nurse.

'Sister, tell me, who have I made this sacrifice for?'

'Why, the German people, as personified by our fuhrer!'

'Can he be here by my side in these last moments sister?'

'Well no, that's not practical, but I can place this photo of him by your bedside'.

The nurse does so, then tells the man:

'You're an airman, so you've also done this for our Reichsmarschall... I'll place his photograph on the other side of your bed!'

The dying man looks from one picture to the other, smiles, and says:

'Thank you sister. Now I can die just like Jesus!'

Re: Humor in the Wehrmacht

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:17 am
by der alte Landser
This thread has really talen on a life of its own! Here's a World War 2 story I just heard:

The Spieß said to a trainee: "There's a rumor that you called the Oberst a dummy. Is that true?"

The soldier replied earnestly, "Absolutely not, Herr Hauptfeldwebel. I would never divulge a military secret!"