Defense against Cavalry attack in WW2

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
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Defense against Cavalry attack in WW2

Post by panzermahn »

Hello Feldgrauans

Anyone know of any detailed study of defense against cavalry attack during WW2? Leon Degrelle in his memoirs mentioned about withstanding ferocious Cossack cavalry attacks and with only superior firepower that would stop them.

If I am not mistaken, one of the best way to hold off an cavalry attack (assuming there wasn't enough mortar, artillery or machine gun support), was narrow down the main battle line and try to reduce the sillehoutte of the soldiers holding the line. There should be officers with nerves of steel enough to hold and lead the soldiers back from panicking and running away in the face cavalry charges.

I read somewhere that with flamethrowers, the horses of the charging cavalry will go into panic...

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Re: Defense against Cavalry attack in WW2

Post by Glyndower »

I read an account many years ago of a German unit charged by Soviet cavalry outside Moscow unfortunately I have forgotten the title. They were mowed down with machine guns and they continued charging with the same result till none were left.

I do not know about Soviet cavalry doctrine but the Polish army used cavalry for scouting, flank security and fast reinforcement, when fighting it would be in a dismounted role. The days of cavalry charges were finished once the opponent had machine guns.

Cavalry still had a role in the east because of the huge area poor communications and lack of motor transport. Assuming there are enough of you and you have rifles then just shoot the horses a horse is a big target.
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Re: Defense against Cavalry attack in WW2

Post by panzermahn »

Hello Glyndower,

Thank for your response. I was just wondering if it is easier to shoot the horse charging at you or the man riding the horse with a bolt-action rifle (Kar 98K) with 5 rounds each while in a trench.

Correct me if I am wrong, but before a cavalry charge, the riders would move with a trot first before galloping to full speed, but what would happen after they ran past the enemy main battle line? Do they turn back and attack?

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