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Sven Hassel RIP

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:20 am
by Rolf Steiner
It would appear the giant of WWII pulp paperbacks has passed away. Terrible books, but I have happy adolescent memories of them!

Re: Sven Hassel RIP

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:01 pm
by Guillermo
Members of the gang:

- Alfred Kalb, "Legionnaire" (ex-member of French Foreign Legion);
- Wolfgang Creutzfeldt, a giant of a man ironically named Tiny (variously Little John in some of the books);
- barracks fixer and shrewd thief Joseph Porta;
- older sergeant Willie Beier, "Old Un" or "Old Man";
- Julius Heide, Nazi fanatic;
- Barcelona Blom, a veteran of both sides of the Spanish Civil War;
- Gregor Martin, who was a removals man before the war;
- Chief Mechanic Wolf;
- Staff Sergeant Hoffman, a typical German NCO of the period.