Sick & tired

Fiction, movies, alternate history, humor, and other non-research topics related to WWII.

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Post by pzrmeyer2 »

To the list made by DXTR we can add a whole shipload of Holywood productions set during the Korean war and the Vietnam war in which the "commies" are the bad guys. It didn't even need a war movie to depict the communists as dangerous. Movies like "I Married a Communist" (1949) were made to warn the American public against "communist agitators". Panzermahn will love it as "communist agitators" is one of his favorite tags to label people
The list is pretty pathetic, consisting of a couple dozen mostly b-movies, none of which were made in the last 20 years. We laugh now and forget, but it should be remembered that the Russians/Soviets/Communists were the "bad guys" during those times---45 years-- and that list is all Hollywood has to show for it. Meanwhile, they STILL crank out crap that portrays the EEE-vil Germans or white Europeans in general up to their old dirty tricks.

It is easy to make fun of the anti-communist films of the 50s, but it shoudnt be forgotten that those were dangerous times, and the Soviets were a real enough threat, with a real enough presence of quasi-5th Column supporters right here in the US and Western Europe. Moreover, history has proven Joe McCarthy right in "outing" all of those Hollywood commies, regardless, of how tinseltown and the leftwing media chooses to portray him.