Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon "Italien"

Foreign volunteers, collaboration and Axis Allies 1939-1945.

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Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon "Italien"

Post by MAXIS »

Hi guys

What do You knows about Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillone "Italien" (I-X)?
Some of them cames fm Legioni (Fascist Militia) retired fm Balkans, but apart fm this I have little details only, about them, derived fm the book "Sentire, Pensare, Volere, Storia della Legione SS Italiana" by Nava/Corbatti" and Tessin/Kannapin "Waffen-SS and Ordnunspolizei in Kriegseinsatz".

I found little details on the web, also, but the summary is far to be satisfactory. Do You knows more?

Best - Max
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Jason Pipes
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Post by Jason Pipes »

Do you happen to know, was this a German unit of Italians or an Italian unit of Italians? I have an extensive listing of Italian Police units, but it doesn't list one as Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon "Italien" - only 1.ital.Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon, 2.ital.Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon, 3.ital.Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon, etc, all the way up to 11, along with various named units like Polizei-Frewiilligen-Bataillon Gorz, Udine and Fiume.
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Post by C.G. »

The police units denominated Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillone were recruited in 1943 from former italian militiamen (MVSN) as well as former regular army men. The most part of those men was probably recruited in the german POW camps in the fall of 1943 together with those sent to the italian Waffen-Grenadier units of the SS. The difference is not clear to me, probaly the former didn't fulfill the physical requirements for SS units. AFAIK ORs were italians and NCOs and Officers mixed italian and german Ordnungspolizei member. In the winter 1943/44 they came to Italy, first in Mestre (Venice) under Der Inspekteur der Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillone Italien, Oberst Heischmann, and were later deployed in several northern italian cities. They were used exclusively in antipartisan-warfare. In late spring of 1944 a few of this units were deployed in central Italy and fought against partisans. From summer 1944 on they were reduced in number, probably due to the many desertions. In late summer, those surviving were sent to the north-east of Italy. In the Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland 4 Bn. of this kind were raised, one in Triest, Gorizia, Udine and Pola. In the sources they are numbered both by arabic or roman nos.
You can find further informations in:
A. Borri, 4 luglio 1944. La strage di Biagioni, Bologna, Aspasia, 2000;
C. Gentile, Tedeschi in Italia. Presenza militare nell'Italia nord-occidentale, in: Notiziario dell'Istituto storico della Resistenza in Cuneo, no. 40, 1991.
C. Gentile, Le forze tedesche di occupazione e il fronte delle Alpi occidentali, in: Il presente e la storia, no. 46, 1994.
P. Pezzino, Storie di guerra civile. L'eccidio di Niccioleta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001.
A list of the units in Italy:
Der Inspekteur der Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillone Italien, FPNr 58068 (= Oberst d. Sch.Pol. Heischmann)
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon I
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon II
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon III
Stärke 08.02.44: 1168 (I. - III.)
Standort: Mestre (I. - III.)
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon IV
Stärke 08.02.44: 728
Standort: Biella
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon V
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon VI
Stärke 08.02.44: 1494 (V. u. VI.)
Standort: Vercelli (V. u. VI.)
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon VII
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon VIII
Stärke 08.02.44: 1590 (VII. u. VIII.)
Standort: Fossano (VII. u. VIII.)
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon IX
Stärke 08.02.44: 795
Standort: Ivrea
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon X
Stärke 08.02.44: 795
Standort: Alba
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Bataillon XI
Stärke 08.02.44: 795
Standort: Savigliano
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Ersatz-Bataillon I
Stärke 08.02.44: 877
Standort: Cremona
Polizei-Freiwilligen-Ersatz-Bataillon II
Stärke 08.02.44: 877
Standort: Mondovì
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Post by MAXIS »

Thks to you, guys!

:oops: Oooops, I made a bit of confusion

JASON, you'right there were 11 ital.Polizei-Frewilligen-Bataillon, plus 2 ersatz, plus POLA, FIUME, UDINE & TRIESTE. Could you send me all'info you have about?

C.G.: thks for the good references and good infos: I have found, on the web a detailed work published by Carlo Gentile; now I'll try to contact the sources you quote.
Pls, C.G: as some problems occurred during data-transmission fm yr provider to the forum and many word are illegible, could you send yr message again? Thks

Thks you again
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Jason Pipes
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Post by Jason Pipes »

I fixed the errors in his posting... I'll post what I have available on these units ASAP.
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Post by Ernst-H »

Does any of you know what type of uniform these units wore?

was it standard Polizei Feldbluse with full Polizei insignia?
or polizei insignia with ss sleeve-eagle?

did they wear something like a sleeveshield to distinguish themselves from other units?

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Post by C.G. »

German personnel wore regular german OrPo uniforms.
Italian volunteers wore italian uniforms with german OrPo "Uniform- und Dienstgradabzeichen". Never heard of a sleeve shield.
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Post by Ernst-H »

Hi C.G.

Do you possibly have photo's of these units?

Did all these bataillons form regiments? like the Polizei Regimenter # (with a bat. I/II/III )

Is there a reference written in english about these units, as far as you know?

Do you collect polizei? You seem well informed in this matter.
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