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Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:34 pm
by ericv
And here is the 29. Infanteriedivision (mot.)

Kdr : Generalleutnant Joachim Lemelsen
Ia : Major i.G. Gerhard Franz
Ib: Hauptmann i.G. Heckel
IIa : Major Lisso
IVa :
IVb : Oberstarzt Dr. Zechlin

15. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Otto von Goeldel
Adj : Hauptmann Moll
I. : Major Wallgarth
II. : Oberstleutnant Walter Fries
III. : Oberstleutnant Walter Weßel
Adj : Oberleutnant Ide
10. : Hauptmann von Lewinski (+ 4-9-1939)

71. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Walter von Boltenstern
Adj : Hauptmann Jochens
I. : Oberstleutnant Werner von Hillebrandt
1. : Hauptmann Grundies (+ 18-9-1939)
II. : Oberstleutnant Siegfried von Rekowski
III. : Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Thomas

29. Artillerieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Hans Fitzlaff
Adj : Oberleutnant Janssen
I. : Major Baier
III. : Major Dr. Fritz Polack
I./65 : Oberstleutnant Seelmann-Eggebert
2. : Hauptmann Wandel

Aufklärungsabteilung 29
Kdr : Major Karl-August Pochat

Panzerabwehrabteilung 29
Kdr : Oberstleutnant Däublin

Pionierbataillon 29
Kdr : Oberstleutnant Hans Hecker

Nachrichtenabteilung 29
Kdr : Oberstleutnant Karl Wagner

DiNaFü : Hauptmann Busch

Source : 29. Division. , Joachim Lemelsen

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:46 am
by crolick
ericv wrote:On the first page of this topic Benout Douville posted the following oob:

Best EV
Thank you :wink:

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:46 am
by Domen123
10. : Hauptmann von Lewinski (+ 4-9-1939)
Are you absolutely SHURE that he was KIA on 4th of September 1939 - and not on 9th / 8th of September 1939 ???!!!

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:53 am
by ericv
Oops, a typo.

That should indeed be 9 september domen, thx!

sadly i can't edit the post anymore. I don;t know why.

thx again for catching that!

There are bound to be more typos and mistakes in the previous lists, If you catch anymore please let me know.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:05 am
by Domen123
That should indeed be 9 september domen, thx!
Sorry - I edited my post after you replied - was he killed on 9th or 8th of September ???

Are you shure that on 9th of September - or maybe on 8th of September ?

And - by the way - is there any description of his death in this book ??

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:21 am
by ericv
After Hauptmann von Lewinski died in combat during fighting of III./15 in a forest along the road Lipsko-Ciepielow, resulting in the destruction of a polish batallion (250 dead and 250 pow's), the following can be read: "Das I./I.R. 71 wird noch in der Nacht zum 9.9 der 2.le division zugeführt, die etwa 15 km westlich Lipsko in schweren Abwerhkampf gegen die in der Lysa-Gora eingekesselten Feindkräfte steht."

I should have been more careful about what i posted, but if i would have to translate ".. in der Nacht zum 9. 9...", and then reread the passage in the book, that would make it the 8th of september that he died. the day leading up to the 9th.


Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:36 am
by ericv
Well, the following can be read in the book (Part of what Oberleutnant Julius Schmidt, Ordonnanzoffizier of the III./15 had to say):

"Es ist gegen 13 Uhr, Befehlsgemäß entwickelt sich der Angriff. Von allen Seiten, besonders wieder von Baumschützen, kommt Feuer.
Kommandeur (Weßel), Adjutant, Oberleutnant Ide, und Ordonnanzoffizier, Oberlt. Schmidt, sind bei der vordersten Teilen. Alle Offiziere führen Gewehre. Sehr schwierig ist das Vorkommen in dem fast undurchdringlichen Wald mit Unterholz und Fichtendickungen. Die verbindung innerhalb der einzelnen Gruppen geht infolgedessen zum Teil verloren. Hauptmann von Lewinski soll zun Btl.Kommandeur (Weßel) kommen. Er ist im Augenblick nicht zu finden.
Dann wird durchgerufen: "Hauptmann von Lewinski ist gefallen!" Die erste Verwundeten werden zurückgebracht, unter ihnen Oberjäger Himmler(!) An verschiedenen Stellen hören wir das "Hurräh" und "Görry Germanski", die Schlachtrufe der zum Gegenstoß ansetzenden Polen. Ein Vorkommen der Jäger in dem dichten Unterholz erscheint nicht möglich. Verlorengegange Verbindung und Baumschützen bewirken eine Lähmung des Vorgehens. Zurückgehende Teile der rechten 11. Kp. hält der Ordonnanzoffizier fest. Die 9. Kp ist inzwischen zu flankierendem Angriff links über Anusin angesetzt worden."

Nothing specific except a rough time and place.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:46 am
by Domen123
Thanks ericv!

Is there anything more in this book (except that which you have already posted) about this specific combat, in which that Polish battalion was destroyed - and maybe also about events which took place soon before this combat and soon after it?

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:12 am
by ericv
well, there is some more info on the actions during von Lewinski's death. There are also about 20 pages of info regarding 29th divisions other actions in Poland.

My main focus the coming weeks however is to try and post as much info on the remaining Stellenbesetzungen as i can (I still have got to go through the histories of the remaining 1st welle ID's(except the 46th and 36th of which I haven't got histories relating to 1939) , the remaining Pz Div's, 4th light division, the mountain div's and about half of the remaining 2nd Welle infantrydivisions and put these online), so if you're patient i could get back to you on that.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:21 am
by Domen123
4th light division
This would be very interesting. I wonder if there any casualty statistics in history of this division?
so if you're patient i could get back to you on that.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:06 am
by Domen123
Here is the 30. Infanteriedivision

Kdr : Generalmajor Kurt von Briesen
Ia : Oberstleutnant i.G. Karl von Le Suire
Ib: Freiherr von Hammerstein-Gesmold
Ic: Cetto
IIa : Major Carl August von Schönfeld

6. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Josef Reichert
14. : Hauptmann Christian Pagels
I. : Oberstleutnant de Rainville
II. : Major von Limburg
III. : Dr. Neese

26. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : General Moritz Basler
I. : Major von Borries
4. : Hauptmann Freiherr von Rosen
II. : Kögel
III. : Major Heinrich Nickel

46. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Generlmajor Walter Wittke
I. : Major/Oberstleutnant Coep
II. : Nolte
III. : Oberstleutnant Günther Weichardt
9. : Oberleutnant Borgmann ?

30. Artillerieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Wilhelm Richter
Adj :
I. : Major Paul
II. : Major Albrecht Wüstenhagen
III. : Faber
I./66 : Major Gustav Hundt

Aufklärungsabteilung 30
Kdr : ?

Panzerjägerabteilung 30
Kdr : Oberstleutnant Helmut Michalik

Pionierbataillon 30
Kdr : Major Ziebe

Nachrichtenabteilung 30
Kdr : Major Lindheim

DiNaFü 30 : Köhnke

Source : Die Geschichte der 30. Infanteriedivision 1939-1945, Hans Breithaupt
Do you know who of them were KIA / MIA / WIA during the Polish Campaign?

I know that Generalmajor Kurt von Briesen was heavily wounded - he lost his forearm - during the battle at the Bzura.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:01 am
by ericv
Hi Domen,

As far as my sources go, none of the above officers were KIA. That means that i am not sure as I have only one source: the 30th div history by Breithaupt. ;)

I've got a table though listing casualties in Poland of this division. As you can see losses were rather heavy, mainly because this division took the brunt of the initial polish offensive near the Bzura.


Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:15 am
by ericv
I know that Generalmajor Kurt von Briesen was heavily wounded - he lost his forearm - during the battle at the Bzura.
He was indeed wounded but i am not sure that he completely lost his forearm though. I've got a photo depicting Briesen, Bursegk and Sieler after the battle soutwest of Oudenaarde (20-5-1940) on which it appears that Briesen not only has both forearms but also appears to be using them.

It was a rather heavy wound, as Generalmajor Basler took temporary command of the division after that.

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:48 am
by ericv
Here is the revised one of the 19th infantry division, (i managed to get a hold of the regimental histories of 73rd and 59th Infanteryregiments this summer. )

I noticed that I can't edit the post of the 19th Division anymore, so i hope maybe someone with enough admin privileges can delete that previous post dated 29th februari 2008.

Kdr : Generalleutnant Günther Schwantes
Ia : Oberstleutnant i.G. Alexander von Pfuhlstein
Ib : Hauptmann i.G. Buntrock
Ic : Oberleutnant Dworak
IIa : Major Hans-Joachim von Stolzmann
III : Kriegsgerichtsrat Dr. Franz
IV a : Int.Rat Dr. Grabs
IV b : Oberstveterinär Dr. Ehrlau
IV c : Oberstarzt Dr. Danielsen
IV d : Kath. : Wehrmachtpfarrer Thum
Evang. : vikar Dr. Sturm
Kdt Stabsquartier : Major Wißbröcker

Infanterieregiment 59
Kdr : Generalmajor Karl von Oven
I. : Oberstleutnant Walter Steinmüller
II. : Oberstleutnant Gustav Schmidt
III. : Major Kempchen

Infanterieregiment 73
Kdr : Oberst Walther von Gündell
Adj. : Hauptmann Alfred Philippi
I. : Oberstleutnant Hoehne (WIA 1 sept 1939, later died of these wounds )
1. : Hauptmann von Schmeling-Diringshofen (WIA 17-9-1939, later died of these wounds)
2. : Hauptmann Chill
3. : Leutnant Kerll (?)
II. : Oberstleutnant Rohrbach
5. : Leutnant Simons (+ 15/16 9-1939)
6. : Hauptmann Haupt (+ 1 sept 1939)
III. : Oberstleutnant von Kirchbach
9. : Oberleutnant von Wedelstädt
10. : Oberleutnant Heesch (+ 25-9-1939)
11. : Oberleutnant Grün (WIA 16-9-1939, died of these wound 2 weeks later)

Infanterieregiment 74
Kdr : Oberst Kurt Schmidt
13. : Hauptmann Stichtenoth
I (bat). : Oberstleutnant Rohlfs
2. : Hauptmann Krause
3. : Leutnant Gehrcke
4. : Hauptmann von Mentz
II. : Oberstleutnant Otto Drescher
III. : Major Germerdonk (+ 16-9-1939)
11. : Oberleutnant Wiedemann

Artillerieregiment 19
Kdr : Oberst Kurt Pflieger
Adj : Oberleutnant von Hinckeldey
O1 : Leutnant von Hase
O2 : Hauptmann d. Res Funck
I. : Major Schunck
Adj : Oberleutnant Hesse
1. : Hauptmann d. Res. Schaefer
2. : Hauptmann Ocker
3. : Leutnant d. Res. Meyer
II. : Hauptmann Rennecke
Adj : Oberleutnant Momber
4. : Oberleutnant d. Res. Buresch-Erichshof
5. : Oberleutnant d. Res. Rode
6. : Oberleutnant Meyer-Schneidewind
III. : Hauptmann Nentwig
7. : Oberleutnant Kuhlmann
8. : Oberleutnant d. Res. Hartmann
9. : Oberleutnant Langerfeldt
I./AR 55 : Oberstleutnant Altmann
Adj : Oberleutnant Schimmel
1. : Oberleutnant d. Res Hyland
2. : Hauptmann Seydel
3. : Oberleutnant Nonnig
Stabsbatterie : Leutnant Kühne

Nachrichtenabteilung 19
Kdr :

Pionierbatallion 19
Kdr : Major Wagner

Panzerabwehrabteilung 19
Kdr : Major Werner Marcks

Aufklärungsabteilung 19
Kdr : Major von Vultejus

Sources :
19. Panzerdivision 1939-1945 Otto von Knobelsdorff
Die Hannoversche Artillerie Rolf Hinze
Infanterie und Panzergrenadierregiment 74 Adalbert Wasner

Re: German Army 1st september 1939

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:40 am
by ericv
Here is the 6. Infanteriedivision

Kdr : Generalleutnant Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben
Ia : Major i.G Siegfried von Waldenburg
Ib: von Boeltzig
Ic: von Stünzner
IIa : Rönnpagel
III : Kriegsgerichtsrat Habben
IVa : Int.Rat Wosilat
IVb : Dr. Walter
IVc : Dr. Wehrwein
IVd : katholische Pfarrer : Freiherr Geyr von Schweppenburg
evangelische Pfarrer : Bongards
DiNaFü : Disselkamp

18. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Alexander Edler von Daniels
I. : Hauptmann d.Res. Riecke
3. : Hauptmann Dr. von Kopczynski (+ 9- 1939 am Westwall)
II. : Mandel
5. : Hauptmann Höke
III. : Major Abé

37. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Alexander von Hartmann
I. : Major Hennicke
II. : Oberstleutnant Kaiser
III. : Oberstleutnant Carl Becker
12. : Hauptmann Heinrich Warrelmann

58. Infanterieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Hand Windeck
I. : Matussek
II. : Zu Eschenhoff
III. : Oberstleutnant Joachim von Tresckow

6. Artillerieregiment
Kdr : Oberst Erich Schopper
I. : Graf von Stosch
II. : Boeck
III. : Krüger
I./AR 42 : Schmidt

Aufklärungsabteilung 6
Kdr : Major Allert
Adj. : Oberleutnant von Laer
1. (Reiter) : Rittmeister von Puttkamer
2. (Radfahr) : Rittmeister d.R. von Heimendahl
3. (Schwere): Rittmeister d.R. von Stein

Panzerjägerabteilung 6
Kdr : Lederer

Pionierbataillon 6
Kdr : OberstleutnantWiese

Nachrichtenabteilung 6
Kdr : Busch

Sources :
6. Infanteriedivision, Horst Großmann
18. Infanterieregiment, E.M. Rhein
15. (Preuss.) Reiter-Regiment, Kavallerieregiment 15 und seine Kriegseinheiten), Alfred Grampe