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Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:05 am
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:I wear slim fit shirts and suits, and have a budding washboard. Actually, due to the dimensions of my waste compared to my upper boddy--it is becoming extremely difficult to find suits that fit me.
Dear God, you'll be telling us your % body fat next.

So, let me get this straight. To show that you support NS philosophy, you're going to get a smudgy, half-inch square tattoo hidden under your armpit, presumably so you can 'innocently' lift your arm in the shower at your gym and show everyone what a good little Nazi you are. I seriously doubt that there will be many W-SS vets in the locker room at the same time as you are, (but if there are, then the best of luck to them. Any 80-year-old who still works out deserves respect), so the rest of your club will just think that you need to use some more shower gel, or that you've caught something nasty.

If you seriously think that the modern, Western world is worse than any world that Hitler would have created, then you need to study more, and maybe look at the important things in life, rather than being distracted by what you see on TV. Maybe you can look your kids in the eye and say, 'It would be better for you to die in a racially motivated war, than live a life of peace', but I know I couldn't.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:02 am
by Paulus II
look your kids in the eye and say, 'It would be better for you to die in a racially motivated war, than live a life of peace', but I know I couldn't.
The ugly thing is that in an NS-country you would have to tell them that. Indoctrination in schools and mandatory youth organisations may lead them to denouncing you to the authorities and off to camp you'd go!
That happened more than once in the nazi-era. Or any other totalitarian regime for that matter.
However flawed and misused it may be Democracy is still the best way to go.

Blood group - De-railed

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:50 am
by Milan Lorman
Before someone with the authority to do it pulls the plug on this de-railed discussion I would like to contribute my bit. I also spend a lot of my thinking time on the level from which Paulus II speaks, but – sadly – I normally lack the confidence needed to take a bite out of such a big apple. These are serious matters and before I die I would like to pass my serious thoughts to someone who has the benefit of a higher degree of formal education than that which I have managed to achieve.

The state of the full range of human societies presents a patchwork quilt made up of an infinite variety of materials from rags to brocade and silk. But everywhere the confrontation that is crucial in every human life – I dare to suggest – is the one between the citizen and his own government.

I choose to limit my comments to the societies with which I am reasonably acquainted, that is the so-called Western societies. Even in this debate, if that’s what it is, these societies are assumed by some to be qualified to “teach” others how to conduct their affairs “better”. For a whole century, the Twentieth, it was constantly referred to in the “West” as the Century of the Common Man. The underlying thought – I think – was that the days of Strong Men ruling by force of Arms or Kings and Emperors by some Divine Right, were delegated to history and the ordinary citizen was finally conducting the affairs of his community himself (or “herself”, as the case may be). We have Democracy! The People are ruling themselves for themselves. And of course the reality was nothing of the kind. It still isn’t and – as far ahead as I can see – never will be.

Unless – wait for it – we in the future not only democratically elect our democratic rulers and then go back to our private lives having handed to the “Democratic” government all the powers of decision-making previously enjoyed by the good and bad Kings of old. Why are we all so outraged by the way our Elected Representatives fleece us through the taxation system –gone-mad and stuff every aspect of our lives, even our language , into a strait-jacket. We have so-far neglected every opportunity that has from time to time come our way, to lay down strict rules by which OUR Government is bound to conduct the business, which WE have entrusted into their hands simply because it is utterly impractical that we should all gather under a fig-tree each evening after work and make together all the necessary decisions concerning our common affairs.

Constitutions of all civilised countries should contain a strictly enforced limitation on the matters on which our law-makers are authorised by US, THE PEOPLE to make laws. All matters not specifically listed in that section of the Constitution must remain “Out-of-Bounds” to politicians. I believe that if such a limitation was effectively imposed by the citizens politics would suddenly lose the attraction for the self-seeking ,unworthy type of candidate who is now prepared to sell his mother for a seat in Parliament and for all those who are only concerned with the securing of as many as possible advantages (privileges) for this or that section of the society at the expense of the rest.

Do I get a ‘bite”?

Milan L.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:13 am

Hear, Hear!

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:42 am
by Paulus II
Well said Milan!

Anyone who does give a bite after such an eloquent display of common sense shouldn't be taken serious.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:15 am
by TimoWr
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:Gee, all I wanted was a graphic illustration of this tattoo.
Indeed you did. That's why you wrote...
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:I am looking for visual depictions of this tattoo. Any help?
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:And instead I get personal attacks, and with that a huge political snit.
Which isn't a huge surprise since you also wrote...
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:I ask because I am strongly considiering getting one--to signify incognito my affinity with Nationalist Socialist ideology as I must nonetheless remain in obscurity. If one knows where to look though, they will see what I really stand for.
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:As for the guy who knows a leibstandarte vet, asks him if I am young and foolish in the wake of what I see as the natural result of Allied Victory. A death rate that exceeds the birthrate among white Europeans, a controlled media that tells white women to follow suit after JoJo and Heidi Klum, a junkfood culture that is utterly vulgar and bankrupt. Ask him to take a good long hard look at the Allies way of doing things.
Ah, did I burst your bubbel? Regarding SS veterans you wrote...
Einsamer_Wolf wrote:I have a hunch that if I were to sit down over coffee with them, that mutual appreciation, respect, and fellowship would ensue.
I simply assure you that your "hunch" is far from reality. Your "hunch" is simple dada talk from a boy who clearly never met any real SS veteran in his live. Veterans are generally not interested in neonazi SS wannabees with blood group tattoos in their armpits - with or without sixpack. No white Europeans, no Jojo and no Heidi Klum. The Leibstandarte vet laught at you. It's that simple.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:16 am
by phylo_roadking
Milan, thats exactly at the heart of all the modernday debate over - do we elect "delegates" or "representatives" for their 3 or 5 or 7 years? Do we put our minds in a box for the term of government once we have handed over - delegated - responsibility for ourselves to someone else....or have we elected "representatives" who will represent OUR views in the decision-making forum?

The problem is - politics attracts career politicians. It sort of HAS to....or else normal, right-thinking bods just couldn't afford to take the time out of successful careers to run for office! How many US Lawyers or generals etc, went BACK to that after their term in office as President? :D (Mind you - how IS the peanut industry, Jimmy??? :D ) The kind of people who enjoy politics are the kind of people who WANT to be delegates! technically speaking - anyone who WANTS to run for office should immediately be barred from doing so! LOL and offices filled by random lot from among the electorate to ensure a fair spread of popular views and prejudices in any legislature!

Also, we have to remember one other major issue - the VAST majority of modrn "democracies" come from TWO historical trends:-

1/ European/Middle Eastern/Asia democracies that grew out of a feudal origin, by a slow process of taking powers away from kings and hereditary rulers...but in doing so unconsciously modeeling themsleves on THIS pattern of rule, or

2/ Countries that were formerly colonies of those said feudal nations, and so unconsciously or consciously modelled their newfound independence and democracy on the post-feudal democracy of the mother country!!!

The WORST example of this NON-presence of a hereditary if not despotic monarch as head of state is actually...the United States! The Framers of the Constitution were SO determined to avoid ALL aspects of monarchy and put in SO many checks and balances....that the shape/presence/role of a King is there as a vacuum in the middle! If it wasn't for their fear of another absolute monarch.....the constitution would have collapsed! LOL But what it HAS done, in the "world's greatest democracy" is create a blueprint for a "delegated" ruler to go just as far as he can/wants udring his period in office just as long as he deosnt come up against those checks and balances - i.e. it has created a vacuum for him to fill entirely!

NOT o good way to run a democracy LOL

Blood Group - De-railed

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:38 am
by Milan Lorman
Phylo, my friend, University education gave you a lot of knowledge about the way things are and how they came to be the way they are. I am straining my High school brain with the imagining of What Should Be and speculating about the ways how it could be brought about. Observations about the way Elected Representatives immediately become Virtual Kings do not by themselves bring about the desired change.

My God! - A quote from JFK just popped into my old brain: "Some people just look at the way things are and ask WHY, I think of the way they should be and ask WHY NOT." It may even have been Bobby, but I am sure they both will forgive me. It is the thought that is important, not the man.

Milan L.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:06 pm
by phylo_roadking
The problem for the future is very simple - those that occupy that space may change by name, but not by role. We have this horrible habit of ratifying the system our assent by voting to the whole facade - and those with the vested career and personal interests of holding ofice have a terrible propensity for holding on to it at all costs!

We're also up against the hereditarily-entrenched idea that democracy shouldnt change....and if it does ONLY for the better and more of the same. We're educated that meddling with demcracy, or doing away with it for something - anything - else is the worst thing any right-thinking human could do. Noone has yet come up with a fool-proof way of not just telling people but showing them that change is possible AND desirable if and when democracy either goes wrong....or no longer works.

Thats what the difficulty is - telling people that their "so-called" democratic right of choice has been subverted for someone else's "good".

Blood group - De-railed

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:42 pm
by Milan Lorman
That’s just what I am talking about – how we can change democracy for the better. More exactly – how we can change the sham democracy that we keep sprouting on about into a real rule by the people. My vision of a Constitution still retains all the essential hallmarks of the present democratic system of government but invests the elected people’s representatives strictly only with those rights, which the citizens themselves enjoy in a free society. I mean by that all the rights, which do not clash with the equal rights of all the other citizens. I grant you that may be it sounds a little “foggy”, but after a little positively intentioned thought it is quite clear which claimed “right” can be concurrently and equally exercised by all and which can only be exercised by some et the expense of the rest, thus constituting a “privilege”. It goes without saying that I want to see any and all privileges declared unconstitutional.

Before drifting off too far from the business of investing elected representatives with only a limited range of rights for the exercise of their function, let me point to – what surely must be an undeniable principle: No-one can transfer to anyone else something that he does not possess in the first place. For example: I have no right to kill another person, certainly not to kill a defenceless person in cold blood, not even if I accompany the act with an elaborate ceremony. So from where does my elected representative get the right to legislate in my name for capital punishment? And that is only one example.

Milan L.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:14 am
by Paddy Keating
Milan has touched on another question for which a certain kind of pro-capital punishment, Christian politician can never supply a coherent answer: how can one justify capital punishment given the Sixth Commandment?

Bringing this closer to topic, Heinrich Himmler knew that what they were up was wrong, which is why they went to such lengths to conceal it. That said, from their viewpoint, they had no choice but to start culling because of the sheer numbers, which brought it home to them that their plans of deportation to, for instance, Palestine or Madagascar were impracticable.

However, that is not even on topic here as this is about the blood group tattoo. Milan's recollection of being banged up in prison for almost a year and a half by French gendarmes because of his tattoo neatly illustrates the prejudice against Waffen-SS POWs and the tendency to treat them all as war criminals because they happened to wear the sigrunen. The irony is that the sigrunen rarely figured as insignia in the units charged with anti-terrorist policing and ethnic cleansing.

Buy hey, the losers don't get to contribute to the historical account, do they? Except when they turn up in places like this forum...and find themselves subjected to all kinds of aggression by people who, clearly, prefer that veterans of the Waffen-SS remain gagged as far as possible. After all, we cannot risk anything so dangerous as a clearer understanding of these events, can we? There are too many vested interests in the approved version of events...

Re: SS Blood group tattoo

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:16 pm
by Jock
Was just reading through this old post. I hope my old friends Phylo, Paddy and Paulus are still well. My writing wasn't too bad back then, even if I say so myself!

My best bit of original research recently has been finding out who Spiers shot! Besten to all. x

Re: SS Blood group tattoo

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:02 pm
by Milan Lorman
Hi ! Jocks post and Greetings prompt me to send sincere greetings also to all old friends. Hope you are all well and comfortable. I am "soso". Hearing and eyesight are failing, but general health and spirits are just fine, Thank you. Milan

Re: SS Blood group tattoo

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:37 pm
by JU-52
Interesting thread, this, not least because the subject of SS tattoos came up the other day somewhere, but I'm damned if I can remember where!