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Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:58 am
by Richard Hargreaves
Wiking5th wrote:I got a copy of "Moscow Tram Stop" for $60 from using search engine. English copy, came from a German book dealer. Unbelievable after all these years of hunting to get a copy and at that price. Earlier this year I got a paperback copy of "Invisible Flag". Darn I am on a roll. Trying to figure what I should go after next. Any suggestions?
I reckon that's the one Snipershot was after. :shock:

There are a few memoirs translated in the 50s which Robert Kershaw used for War Without Garlands. Don't have a copy to hand presently, but I do remember there was a Benno Zeiser quoted frequently; his memoirs were In Their Shallow Graves (also published as The Road to Stalingrad). He's also named frequently as Benno Zieser, which I think is the correct spelling. I'm assuming the translation is of the 1954 memoir Rote Leuchtkugeln (which is pretty rare in its original tongue).

Bamm's a long forgotten gem and like Haape, long overdue a reprint.

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by sniper1shot
Damn- yet another one to add to the wish list.

Still looking for Moscow Tram Stop. :roll:

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:37 pm
by Richard Hargreaves
I might have a word with my publishers - they do a lot of reprints. See if I can persuade them. The alternative is for someone to ask Stackpole.

I did ask Haape's son about a reprint - but he never got back to me. :(

Another solution is to do a re-translation; wouldn't fancy it myself - it's nearly 400 pages.

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:43 pm
by sniper1shot
I think for MTS I would want an original printing though. I have enough Stackpole books and probably will have more before the end of the year.
There are TONS of publishers that could probably do it........might be an issue with who owns the copy write ...

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:03 am
by Leandros
KlemenL wrote:Persuaded by my good friend and after I have personally convinced myself how it is sometimes hard to find some first hand accounts or memoires I have decided to start making on this forum an on-going project about listing as many German World War 2 memoires and diaries as I can find. I start today ....
What about Dönitz: "Zehn Jahre und Zwanzig Tage"...? Have I missed it?


Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:08 pm
by Wiking5th
I just finished "Moscow Tram Stop" and I must say it was worth ever cent I paid for it. Far and away one of the bet of its kind that I have read. Very well written and very intense. 800 in the battalion on June 22, 1941. By Spring of 1942 less than 90 of the original were still there. Dr Haape goes on to tell how by the end of the war, only five names were given as still being alive.

The only downside is this just covers the first nine months of the war thru his first leave. He gives a small chapter at the end of the rest of his war years. He could have done two more books easily it sounds like covering his service tell the end of the war and beyond. In closing all I can say is it was well worth the years of wait to get this book. It will have a special place with a few others in my collection.


Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:45 pm
by sniper1shot
Bragging never helps ...... :D

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:41 am
by ASM
Some of the books I own:

1) Fuhrer Bunker: Pietro Guido
2) Hitler’s Secret Headquarters: Franz Seidler and Dieter Zeigert
3) Hitler’s Sites: Lehrer
4) In Hitler’s Bunker: Lehmann and Carroll
5) No Bunker de Hitler: Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven
6) The Fuhrer Bunker: Sven Felix Kellerhoff
7) Hitlers Briefe und Notizen: Werner Maser
8) Das Buch Hitler: Otto Gunsche and Heinze Linge
9) Hitlers Second Book: Gerhard Weinberg
10) Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-1944
11) The Last of the Hitlers: David Gardner
12) Franz von Papen: Memoirs
13) Ribbentrop: Zwischen London und Moskau
14) O Julgamento de Nuremberga: Heydecker Leeb
15) Schellenberg: The Labyrinth
16) Goldensohn: The Nuremberg Interviews
17) G.W. Gilbert: Nuremberg Diary
18) Taylor: The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials
19) Ann Tusa/John Tusa: The Nuremberg Trial
20) Persico: Nuremberg
21) James Owen: Nuremberg - Evil on Trial
22) Robert Conot: Justice at Nuremberg
23) Richard Overy: Interrogations at Nuremberg
24) Paul Roland: The Nuremberg Trials
25) Fedor von Bock:War Diary 1939-1945
26) The Halder War Diaries 1939-1942
27) The Goebbels Diaries 1939-1941 (Fred Taylor)
28) The Goebbels Diaries (1942-1943) Lochner
29) The Goebbels Diaries: The Last Days (Trevor-Roper)
30) Goebbels: Ralf Reuth
31) Albert Speer: Spandau The Secret Diaries
32) Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich - Memoirs
33) Gitta Sereny: Albert Speer His Battle with the Truth
34) The Murder of Rudolf Hess by Dr. Hugh Thomas
35) Karl Donitz: Memoirs
36) Otto Skorzenys: Skorzenys Special Mission
37) Piotrowsky: Hans Frank Diaries
38) Past Finder: Berlin 1933-1945
39) Past Finder: Obersalzberg 1933-1945
40) Past Finder: Munchen 1933-1945
41) Hermann Goering: Germany Reborn
42) Hitler Wie Ihm Keiner Kennt: Heinrich Hoffmann, Baldur Von Schirach
43) Heydrich: The Face of Evil
44) Prodfield: Himmler
45) Liddel-Hart: The Rommel Papers
46) Claire Welch: Raise and Fall of the Nazis
47) Martin Bormann: The Secretary - The Man Who Manipulated Hitler
48) Raul Hilberg: The Destruction of the European Jews
49) Hitler's Death: Russia's Last Great Secret from the Files of the KGB by V.K. Vinogradov
50) Hermann Goring – Hitler Paladin or Puppet? by Paul Wolfgang
51) Mein Vater - Joachim Von Ribbentrop
52) Ribbentrop – Michael Bloch
53) The Hitler I Knew – Memoirs of the Third Reich Press Chief by Otto Dietrich
54) Berlim Vida ou Morte – Miguel Ezquerra
55) Penguin Dictionary of the Third Reich
56) Philipp von Boeselager – Valkyrie
57) James Lucas – The Last Days of the Reich
58) The Service – Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen
59) The Kersten Memoirs – 1940-1945
60) Eichmann – His Life and Crimes by David Cesarani
61) Eichmann in My Hands - Peter Z. Malkin and Harry Stein
63) Moczarsky – Conversations with an Executioner
64) Masters of Death – Richard Rhodes
65) Mengele by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware
66) I Was Hitler’s Doctor: His Intimate Life - Kurt Krueger
67) Hitler’s Personal Security – Peter Hoffmann
68) Broken Swastika by Baumbach
69) The Fuhrer – Konrad Heiden
70) Joachim Fest – Hitler
71) Ian Kershaw – Hitler – 1889-1936 - HUBRIS
72) Ian Kershaw – Hitler – 1936-1945 – NEMESIS
73) Adolf Hitler – John Toland
74) The Death of Hitler – Petrova/Watson
75) Cornelius Ryan – A Última Batalha – A Queda de Berlim
76) Hoss: Death Dealer – The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant of Auschwitz
77) Hanna Reitsch – The Sky My Kingdom
78) Hitler The Pathology of Evil – George Victor
79) Heinz Heinz – Germany’s Hitler (1934)
80) Alan Bullock – Hitler
81) Hitler’s Fate – H. D. Baumann
82) Franz Neumann – Behemoth
83) Heinz Magenheimer – Hitler’s War
84) Kenneth Macksey – Military Errors of WW II
85) Anja Klabunde – Magda Goebbels
86) The III Reich Day by Day
87) A Brief History of the Birth of the Nazis by Nigel Jones
88) Franco and Hitler – Stanley Payne
89) Gitta Sereny – Into that Darkness
90) Rudolf Diels – Lucifer ante Portas
91) Reinhard Heydrich – Edouard Calic
92) Wolf Rudiger Hess – My Father Rudolf Hess
93) Jochen Von Lang – Top Nazi – SS General Karl Wolff
94) Heinz Hohne – Canaris – Hitler’s Master Spy
95) Guderian – Achtung Panzer !
96) General Heinz Guderian – Panzer Leader
97) Nicolas Von Below – At Hitler’s Side
98) Traudl Junge – Bis zur letzten stunde
99) Joachim Fest – Inside Hitler’s Bunker
100) John Cornwell – Hitler’s Pope
101) Anton Joachimstahler – The Last Days of Hitler
102) James Lucas – Hitler’s Enforcers
103) Baur – At My Side
104) Gerhardt Boldt – Hitler’s Last Days
105) Ed Alaine Bartlett – The Diary of Eva Braun
106) Rochus Misch – Eu fui Guarda-Costas de Hitler
107) James P. O’ Donnell – The Bunker
108) Kubizek – The Young Hitler I Knew
109) Christa Schroeder – Er War Mein Chef
110) Erich Kempka – Die Letzten Tage mit Adolf Hitler
111) Ron Rosenbaum – Explaining Hitler
112) Daniel Jonah Goldhagen – Hitlers Willing Executioners
113) Feldmarschall Friedrich Paulus im Kreuzverhor 1943-1953
114) The Memoirs of Field-Marschal Wilhelm Keitel
115) The Memoirs of Field-Marschal Kesselring
116) William A. Shirer – The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
117) Heinz Hohne – The Order of the Death’s Head
118) Allan Bullock – Hitler and Stalin
119) Helena Schrader – An Obsolete Honor – A Study of German Resistance
120) Antony Beevor – Berlin
121) Shirer – Berlin Diary
122) Hans Von Luck – Panzer Commander
123) Klee Dressen Ries – The Good Old Days
124) Niklas Frank – In the Shadow of the Reich
125) Robert Harris – Selling Hitler
126) Guy Sajer – The Forgotten Soldier
127) Hoffmann – The History of the German Resistance 1933-1945
128) Roger Moorhouse – Killing Hitler
129) Linge – With Hitler to the End
130) Mannstein – Lost Victories
131) Lucius D. Clay – Decision in Germany
132) Brigitte Hamann – Hitlers Wien
133) Joachim Kohler – Wagner’s Hitler
134) Guy Walters – Hunting Evil

New: Glückauf zum Untergang

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:33 am
by udalerich
New, my new book, but only in german:

Glückauf zum Untergang
Die Kriegstagebücher des Feldwebels Kurt Pfau 1939-1945
von Udo Rosowski
ISBN 9783943360103
Paperback, 188 Seiten, ca. 30 Bilder und Abbildungen
Preis: 15,90 €

"Das Leben eines Sturmartilleristen ist kurz, aber gewaltig"
26. August 1939: Der SA-Aktivist Kurt Pfau hat endlich seinen Gestellungsbefehl in den Händen. Er ist noch nicht lange verheiratet, seine Frau ist hochschwanger. Trotzdem hatte er sich freiwillig zur Wehrmacht gemeldet. In Hildesheim wird etwas hastig das Infanterie-Regiment 59 mit einem dritten Bataillon ergänzt. Eilig werden die neuen Infanteristen eingekleidet, bewaffnet und nach Ostpreußen an die Grenze geschickt. Akribisch führt Kurt Pfau nun Tagebuch, die Fakten der Einsätze ergänzt er in Ruhezeiten um Empfindungen und Einschätzungen der Länder und Menschen, in die ihn die Feldzüge gegen Polen, gegen Belgien und Frankreich, dem Unternehmen Barbarossa und dem Unternehmen Zitadelle mit der 19. Infanterie-Division, der 20. Panzer-Division oder der 78. Sturm-Division führen. Hier kommt seine zutiefst nationalistische Grundhaltung zum Vorschein. In aller Deutlichkeit tritt zu Tage, wie die nationalsozialistische Ideologie Denken und Handeln großer Teile der deutschen Bevölkerung und auch der Wehrmachtssoldaten durchdrungen hat. Trotz schwerer Krankheit und Verwundung drängt es ihn immer wieder an die Front, freiwillig meldet er sich aus der Genesenden-Kompanie zur Sturmartillerie. Im Herbst 1944 kämpft er in Ostpreußen und wird zur Jahreswende zur Befreiung von Budapest nach Ungarn verladen. Bestürzt und manchmal fassungslos begleitet der Leser, gefesselt von der atmosphärischen Dichte des Geschehens, den Tagebuchschreiber und hofft förmlich auf Einsicht. Doch Kurt Pfau lebt seine Ideale bis zur schicksalhaften Erfüllung.

Available in german bookstore, Amazon or directly by the author.

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:12 am
by samuels
Thanks for sharing this nice list of German WW11 memoires and diaries here at

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:49 am
by dsetzer
I would also like to propose the Memoirs of Werner Mork. He enlisted in 1939 and remained in the army until the end of the war. His descriptions of service in North Africa, Italy and the Russian front are very detailed and clear.

He also takes time to discuss the social, political and philosophical atmosphere as it changed during the war. For those who are interested in the events leading up to the beginning of the war and life in pre-war Germany, there is a link to the website that covers those times.

He witnessed a big piece of the war from North Africa, to the Battle of Ortona, to Monte Cassino and finally the Russian front. He became a POW there and talks about his experiences in the open-air detention camps.

The memoirs have been translated into English and posted online.

I invite you to visit his website at:

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:39 am
by DrunkSailor
Could anyone point me to some memoirs available in English of Non-Germans who fought in the Wehrmacht from Eastern Europe?

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:48 am
by Joanne

This is a great thread, very useful, so I'd like to thank you for creating this extensive list.

I am wondering whether the members of the forum could advise me on something. I have written down all these titles and have started to browse the content of each. But, perhaps, someone knows these stories very well and could help?

What I need to find are first-person accounts (told from the Nazis' perspective) of these pivotal events of WW2:
The Invasion of Poland; the Battle of Britain; the Invasion of the Soviet Union; The battle of the Atlantic; D-Day; the Battle of Berlin.

Do you, by any chance, know which of these diaries and memoirs describe any of the above?
Are there any other sources you know of? It doesn't have to be a full-blown memoir, just personal notes would be great, maybe of those most infamous Nazis as well. A name of such person would be great info too - I can easily find such notes if I know the name.

Sorry, if this is a lot to ask, history is not my strong side and I need to find this info for a project.
The list in this thread is already amazing and I am sure it will be very helpful.

Thank you,

Re: German World War II Memoires and Diaries

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:19 pm
by lwd
I haven't reread the entire thread but you might want to look for any postings by Rudi Salvermoser. It may take a search to find his forum nick to find them all. He also posted over on axis history.

The following thread may also contain some useful info: ... ng#p238175

There's a lot more here, finding it may take a fair amount of time and work though.