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First thread! Help with Battle Of The Bulge warscene

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:29 pm
by Ökenräven

I'm planning to build a diorama in scale 1/35 where I show a warscene of The Battle Of The Bulge. I'm not a beginner when it comes to the painting of scalemodels but I'm a beginner when it comes to WW2 scalemodels.

This diorama will mainly consist of german forcers. I'm thinking of a total of about 25-30 german armed vehicles/tanks, about 10-15 US tanks and then about 100 soldiers in total.

So what I want you guys to help me with is which modell/typer of armed vehicles/tanks from each side I should go for and how many of each type. I could also need help with camopatterns on the tanks and uniforms. I'm thinking of having as many SS-soldiers as possible since I really like their camopatterns.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards
