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Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:46 pm
by august
without a doubt. britain and france are nuclear it's high time germany joined them.

Re: Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:01 am
by moanalot
(Answer from a British reenactor). YES! If we go back through history, which is what is happening here regarding Germany,even though only very recent history. France was more of a threat to us than Germany was. France has been at war with us more times,tried to invade us more times,tried to dominate Europe more times,than Germany ever has.In fact we have been at war with the USA as many times, if not more than Germany. We have not objected to the USA having nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union murdered more innocent people than Germany ever did.They have nuclear weapons. Germany has in the past, been our ally more times than France has, more times than Poland, Spain, The Nederlands or any other European State other than Portugal. Who are we to say that "You can do this and you can do that". We are not here to Police Europe or the World. We cannot, it seems get our own house in order yet. Anyway, we should ask the Yanks first, what we can do and not do, we seem to be more involved with the bloody Yanks (we are their 51st State) than with Europe. As far as France goes the less said the better. So YES from me, they can have what they like.It is their State, their Country, their own government. What would we say if they objected to us having nuclear weapons? They contribute to the defence of Europe as Britain and the Frogs do. I would sooner depend and rely upon Germany to help defend Europe than the bloody Yanks. At least it is European. (The Nazi's are GONE, they will NEVER return.The NEO NAZI'S today are PLAYING at it). Anyway it is not Germany or any Western European Country the world should be afraid of. It is places like the U.S.A.,the now defunct U.S.S.R., the Middle East, some countries in Noth Africa, North Korea to name a few. Let Germany be a nuclear power, yes.

Re: Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:23 am
by august
i couldn't agree more. i do take issue at the comment regarding fearing the us. although, regrettably, i agree if the us is in the hands of the republicans and a moron like bush. of course, as will roger's said, "i'm not a member of any organized political party, i'm a democrat."

Re: Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:53 am
by moanalot
The only good thing the Republican Party ever did for America was to help abolish slavery. Had any other Leaders of other countries done what the Bush family had done whilst in political power,they would be on trial for war crimes. However when you are big, powerful and you have a big stick, not much the little guy can do about it but suffer. OK you helped us during WW2, only by mass of numbers, that was 65yrs ago (approx), now is the time you buggered off and left us alone. You Americans are liked less than than us British people, throughout the world. As for Europe,the sooner we break away from America and stop suck holing up to it. Unite FULLY with Europe as one people, the better for the European people and a European nation. We could then turn our missiles ,rockets and ICBM's, our nuclear subs Westward and some other States Eastwards. That way we would be propected from both Bullies west and east. Europe for Europe, A United Europe.

Re: Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:15 pm
by statemachine
moanalot,let's not forget that Britain is America's partner in Iraq.They are referred to as the "little satan".Bush was a little forceful,but I don't see any real issues dividing the west.United we stand.

Re: Should Germany join the nuclear club?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:09 am
by moanalot
Let us not forget that Briain is a partner of the yanks in Iraq. The fact is that the MAJORITY of the British people do not want the allience, nor does the majority of the European States populace. Starting in April,2009 my, our , British Armed Forces are being pulled out of Iraq. Not soon enough. British soldiers should never have gone there in the first place. We are NOT here to police the World nor is the USA. We would not be known as "Little Satans" but for "Big Uncle Sam Satan".
Listen Buddy and all the bloody yanks, Europe owes the yanks nothing, the World owes the yanks nothing. The yanks are afraid of a United Europe. We are no longer a threat to each other,only interfering nations outside the European Union. The USA being one, Britain belongs to Europe.It is 22 miles away. Not the bloody USA.That is 5,000 miles away, pity it is not 500,000 miles away.
Anyway before it gets out of hand I shall say one more thing, USA = Useless Stupid Arseholes.