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Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:29 am
by euclid
I have been looking for information on General Field Marshall von Rommel's promotion record.

I know (Wikipedia) that he started as a Leutnant in 1912, was a Colonel (Oberst) in 1938 and finished up a GFM, but can anybody fill in his ranks in between (with dates)?

What rank did he have in March 1940, at Dunkirk, for instance?

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:41 am
by Jerry
This is from Axis Biographical Research, -

BTW he was not VON Rommel, and he was nowhere near Dunkirk in March 1940.

Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel

Born: 15. Nov. 1891 in Heidenheim an der Brenz / Württemberg, near Ulm.
Suicide: 14. Oct. 1944 in Heidenheim, by cyanide, (to avoid trial by the Volksgerichtshof and punishment for his wife and son)

GFM: 22. Jun. 1942; Gen.Obst.: 30. Jan. 1942; Gen.d.Pz.Tr.: 1. Jul. 1941; Gen.Lt.: 1. Jan. 1941; Gen.Maj.: 1. Aug. 1939 (Patent 1. Jun. 1939); Oberst: 1. Aug. 1937; Obstlt.: 1. Mar. 1935; Major: 10. Oct. 1933; Hptm.: Oct. 1917; Oblt.: Sep. 1915; Lt.: 27. Jan. 1912 (Patent, 30. Jan. 1910); Fahnenjunker: 19. Jul. 1910.

Entered service as Fahnenjunker, 19 Jul. 1910.
Commissioned Leutnant in Inf.Rgt. 124: 27. Jan. 1912.

Instructor at Infantry School, Dresden: 1. Oct. 1929 - 1933.
Instructor at Kriegsschule Potsdam: 15. Oct. 1935 - 1937.
Kdr. Kriegsschule Wiener-Neustadt: 9./10. Nov. 1938 -
Kdt. Führerhauptquartier: 25. Aug. 1939 - 5. Feb. 1940.
Kdr. 7.Panzer-Division (HQ: Godesberg/Rhein): 5. Feb. 1940 -
Kom.Gen. Deutschen Afrika Korps: 14. Feb. 1941 -
Kom.Gen. Panzergruppe "Afrika": 1. Sep. 1941 -
Oberbefehlshaber Panzerarmee "Afrika": 21. Feb. 1942 - Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Afrika": 1. Jan. 1943 - 9. Mar. 1943.
Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "B": 1. Jan. 1944 - 17. Jul. 1944 (received severe head wounds that date when an Allied fighter bomber attacked his staff car).

Decorations & Awards:
- Ritterkreuz (43): am 27.05.1940 als Generalmajor und Komm. der 7. Panzer-Division
- Eichenlaub (10): am 20.03.1941 als Generalleutnant und Befehlshaber der Deutschen Truppen in Libyen (Aushändigung des Eichenlaubes durch Adolf Hitler)
- Schwerter (6): am 20.01.1942 als Generalleutnant und OB. der Panzergruppe Afrika
- Brillanten (6): am 11.03.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. der Heeresgruppe Afrika (Rommel erhält die Brillanten aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
- Pour le mérite: am 10.12.1917 als Oberleutnant und Komm. einer Kampfgruppe des württembg. Gebirgs-Bataillon
- 1939 EK I –S-: 21.05.1940
- 1939 EK II –S-: 17.05.1940
- 1914 EK I: 22.03.1915
- 1914 EK II: 30.09.1914
- Kgl. Württembg. Goldene Militär-Verdienstmedaille: 25.02.1915
- Ritterkreuz des kgl. Württembg. Militär-Verdienstorden: 08.04.1915
- Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
- Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Württembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
- Kaiserlich und Königlich Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit Schwertern
- Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
- Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
- Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
- Medaille zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr des Memellandes
- Ärmelband “Führerhauptquartier”
- Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
- Italien. Tapferkeitsmedaille in Silber: 22.04.1941 (Rommel erhält die medaille aus der Hand General Italo Garibaldi)
- Grossoffizierskreuz des kgl. Italien. Militärordens von Savoyen : 00.00.1941
- Grossoffizierskreuz des kgl. Italien. Kolonial-Orden vom Stern : 28.04.1942 (Rommel erhält die medaille aus der Hand Generafeldmarschall Ettore Bastico)
- Gemeinsames Flugzeugführer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
- Ärmelband “Afrika”
- Rumän. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 12.07.1944
- Rumän. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 12.07.1944
- Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold: 07.08.1944
- Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 21.06.1942; 10.09.1943

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:47 am
by phylo_roadking
and he was nowhere near Dunkirk in March 1940
Correct. He hit the coast much further to the south-west at St Valery-en-Caux where he overran and accepted the surrender of the 51st (Highland) Division, after posing on the beach beneath the cliffs to the north of the town for pics :D

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:34 pm
by euclid
Thanks a million, Jerry. That was most helpful.

If he was not at Dunkirk in March 1940, was he not in charge of the Germa troops driving the BEF to the coast and beyond? I thought he was.

Thanks again.

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:18 pm
by phylo_roadking
No, just commander of 7th Panzer Division, part of 15th Corps under General Hoth, and later also given commander of 5th Panzer Division for coordinated operations at Lille.

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:27 am
by jjmcgr
several points fro mthe above discourse:

NO Germans were anyewhere near Dunkirk in MARCH 1940. The offensive began in MAY 1940.

Secondly, the career history of Rommel has a discrepancy. Supposedly he received the Blue Max after he was promoted to Hauptmann if you match the dates for his promotion and the award. Yet the blurb says he was an Oberleutnant when he won it. A cross check shows an error on the date of his promotion to Hauptmann- it was Okt 1918 not 1917. Rommel commanded the equivalent of a battalion in Italy in 1917 with the rank of Oberleutnant. The Germans were very stingy in WW1 with officer promotions. Ironically Hitler was instrumental in changing that policy in WW2.

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:18 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D ; a little complement...............

Rommel in France 1940.

Source: Rommel Panzerdivision in Frankreich Feldzug Original ca. 120 Bilder 1940 ..!

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:21 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little more...............

Rommel in France 1940.

Source: Rommel Panzerdivision in Frankreich Feldzug Original ca. 120 Bilder 1940 ..!

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:48 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little more...............

Rommel in France 1940??.

Source: ... iew+Thread

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:30 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little more...............

Rommel in France 1940.

Source: ... 9_orig.jpg

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 8:04 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little more...............

Rommel in North Africa.

Source: ... 7675.l2557

Any idea who was the other general? Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:58 pm
by Prosper Vandenbroucke
Hello Raul,
I'm not sure at all but I guess it can be Wilhelm Josef Ritter von Thoma!!

Here below a pic of Erwin Rommel crossing the river "Meuse" (Belgium -- may 1940)
Rommel1.jpg (63.15 KiB) Viewed 12792 times
http://bioul-notre-village-natal.eklabl ... a119642250

and an other one with Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valéry-en-Caux (France -- june 1940). The british general is Victor Morven Fortune, commander of the 51st Highland Division.
Rommel2.jpg (109.03 KiB) Viewed 12792 times
http://deuxiemeguerremondia.forumactif. ... s-photos-2

Kindly regards from Belgium
Prosper :wink: :wink:

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:53 am
by tigre
Hello Prosper :D; thank you very much for the data and pictures :up:. Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:54 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little more...............

Rommel in North Africa.

Source: ... 15924.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8)

Re: Erwin von Rommel - career history

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:29 am
by Prosper Vandenbroucke
Heelo to all,

Rommel with is wife Lucie and his son Manfred. (I didn't know the date of this picture)
Rommels son must been 15 or 16 years old.
CurieusesHistoires_Rommel_3.jpg (140.52 KiB) Viewed 11832 times ... onte-fils/