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Rudolf Hess

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:22 am
by Patrick
Does anyone out there have good knowledge about Hess (or perhaps can direct me to some good books)? I've read bits and pieces here and there, including various conspiracy theories involving the Royal family and doubles, but don't have a firm understanding of him or what the fuss about him is all about. Specifically,

1) Was he really just Hitler's glorified secretary?
2) What were the terms of the proposals he was taking to Scotland in 1941?
3) Why did the Brits want to keep him in Spandau prison for so long at what must have been great expense?


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:53 pm
by Julius
Cant help you too much on any books but others will no doubt know. The short story is that Hess lost a great deal of influence over the 1939-1940 period and became a bit of an embarassment. Goering is rumoured to have eaten in to Hess' patch.

As regards his imprisonment my recollection tells me only the Russians insisted on the life sentence being carried to term.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:39 pm
by derGespenst

What does "Goering is rumoured to have eaten in to Hess' patch." mean?

Rudolf Hess

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:23 am
by Michael Miller / ABR
Here is a short biographical sketch of Rudolf Hess.

Best wishes,
~ Mike Miller / ABR

Hess, Rudolf Walter Richard
Stellvertreter des Führers / Reichsminister / SS-Obergruppenführer a.D.

Born: 26.04.1894 in Alexandria, Egypt.
Suicide: 17.08.1987 in Spandau Prison, Berlin (apparently hanged himself with an electrical cord in the prison garden; he was removed to the British Military hospital where he died at 1600 hours. Secretly buried in Grafelfing, 24.08.1987, to avoid demonstrations).

NSDAP-Nr.: 16
(Joined 01.07.1920 with Nr. 1 600; rejoined 27.02.1925 with Nr. 16)
SS-Nr.: 50
(Joined 01.11.1925)

21.04.1915 Gefreiter
21.05.1915 Unteroffizier
04.12.1916 Vizefeldwebel
08.10.1917 Leutnant d.R
18.12.1931 SS-Oberführer (confirmed in this rank, 01.07.1932)
05.12.1932 SS-Gruppenführer (per an SA-Führerbefehl; his SS- Stammkarte gives
promotion date as 24.12.1932)
21.04.1933 SS-Obergruppenführer (per SS Personalbefehl Nr. 9 dated 10.10.1933; gave up
this rank 26.09.1933 but retained the right to wear SS uniform)

00.00.1900 - 00.00.1906 Attended the deutsche evangelischen Schule (German Protestant School) in Alexandria, Egypt.
00.00.1906 - 15.09.1908 Privately tutored in Alexandria (until.02.1908), then Bad Godesberg
15.08.1908 - Easter 1911 Attended the Evangelisches Pädagogium (Oberrealschule) in Bad Godesberg (graduated).
15.09.1908 Joined the Jugendinternat in Bad Godesberg
Easter 1911 - 00.00.1912 Studied commerce at the “Ècole Supérieure de Commerce” in Neuchatel, Switzerland
00.00.1912 - 00.08.1914 Training as import-export salesman in Hamburg
20.08.1914 - 20.09.1914 Entered Royal Bavarian Army as Kriegsfreiwilliger, assigned as Rekrut to Ersatz-Abteilung / 7.Bayerischen Feldartillerie-Regiment
18.09.1914 - 09.11.1914 Assigned to I.Ersatzbataillon / 1. Bayerischen Infanterie-Regiment “König”
09.11.1914 - 01.12.1916 Assigned to I.Reserve-Bataillon / 1. Bayerischen Infanterie-Regiment “König” (on the Western Front, where he saw action on the Somme and at Verdun).
00.05.1915 - 00.08.1915 Returned to Germany to attend Reserve-Offizieranwärter Lehrgang [Reserve Officer Candidate training course] at the Heereschule Münster.
00.02.1916 - 00.05.1916 Hospitalized due to a throat infection (diagnosed as acute laryngal catarrh).
00.05.1916 - 12.05.1916 Returned to duty with I.Reserve-Bataillon / 1.Bayerischen Infanterie-Regiment “König”.
12.06.1916 Wounded in the left hand and arm by shell splinters at Fort Douamont, Verdun.
13.05.1916 - 18.06.1916 Hospitalized at Reservelazarett [reserve hospital] Bad Homburg due to wounds sustained 12.05.1916.
18.06.1916 - 03.12.1916 Hospitalized at the Reservelazarett Ilsenburg / Harz.
00.06.1916 Unsuccessfully applied for transfer to the Fliegertruppe.
04.12.1916 - 25.12.1916 Returned to duty, assigned to 18.Bayerischen Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment (in Romania).
25.12.1916 - 29.08.1917 Assigned as Zugführer to 10.Kompanie / 18.Bayerischen Reserve-Infanterie- Regiment.
29.08.1917 Lightly wounded in the left arm during combat in the Ditoz Pass (in the hills
between Ojtoztal and Slanic, Romania), but remained on duty.
29.08.1917 Seriously wounded by a rifle bullet in the lung during the storming of the
Ungureana, Romania.
29.08.1917 - 25.08.1917 Hospitalized in Kriegslazarett 21c/Bezdivasarhely.
25.08.1917 - 11.09.1917 Hospitalized in Kriegslazarett, B Department, Sepsiszentgyörgi (evacuated: 11.09.1917).
17.09.1917 - 25.10.1917 Hospitalized in Reservelazarett Meissen / Sachsen.
25.10.1917 - 10.12.1917 Hospitalized in the Reservelazarett Alexandersbad.
10.12.1917 - 00.01.1918 Assigned as Begleitoffizier of an Ersatzkompanie in Regiment List (Western Front)
11.12.1917 - 31.12.1917 On leave to the Hess family home at Reicholdsgrün
00.12.1917 Applied again for transfer to the flying service (application approved)
22.01.1918 - 04.02.1918 Again on leave at Reicholdsgrün
15.05.1918 - 00.10.1918 Flight training at Fliegervorschule 4 in Lager Lechfeld near Augsburg
20.08.1918 - 26.08.1918 Convalescent leave
00.10.1918 - 01.11.1918 Assigned to Jagdstaffelschule II
01.11.1918 - 13.12.1918 Assigned as pilot to Jagdstaffel 35b on the 2.Armee front under control of the Royal Bavarian Jagdgeschwader IV commanded by Eduard Ritter von Schleich. He saw action on the Western Front but scored no aerial victories.
27.11.1918 - 00.00.1919 On leave in Reichholdsgrün until discharged from active service.
18.02.1919 - 00.00.192_ Member of the Thule-Gesellschaft in München (also head of its sabotage troops)
25.04.1919 - 03.05.1919 Member of Freikorps “Regensburg”. Wounded in the leg during actions against the Bolsheviks in München, 01.05.1919.
07.05.1919 - 15.10.1919 Service as Zeitfreiwilliger (temporary volunteer) in 4.Alarmkompanie / Freikorps “von Epp” (Bayerischen Schützenkorps)
00.02.1920 - 00.11.1923 Studied history, national economics, and geopolitics at the University of München. He became a protege and great admirer of Generalmajor a.D. Prof. Karl Haushofer, the leading proponent of the theory of geopolitics and an important influence on the young Hess, during this period. The two had met on 04.04.1919 and Haushofer was his tutor at the University.
16.12.1919 - 00.00.1921 Employed as a builder, decorator, and correspondence clerk for the “Münchner Wohnkunst GmbH”
29.03.1920 - 30.04.1920 Reentered Freikorps “von Epp” during the Kapp Putsch, assigned for temporary duty as pilot with the Polizei-Fliegerstaffel (under future SS and SA leader Konrad Hafner) at Reichswehr-Fliegerhorst Schleißheim
01.07.1920 Joined the NSDAP, assigned as Pressereferent of the Parteileitung der NSDAP
00.02.1921 - 00.11.1923 Speaker of the NS-Hochschulgruppe (Nazi college group) at the University of München
00.00.1921 - 00.11.1923 Scientific assistant to the Professor Karl Haushofer
00.00.1921 Injured and scarred for life when a beer glass aimed at Hitler hit him the face
00.00.1921 Joined the SA
00.02.1922 Founder of the Nachrichtenabteilung (news department) of the NSDAP
00.11.1922 - 09.11.1923 Führer of II. SA-Kompanie (Studenten-Hundertschaft) in München
00.00.1923 - 09.11.1923 Member of the “Stoßtrupp Hitler” in München
08./09.11.1923 Active participant in the Hitler-Ludendorf-Putsch, München. He accompanied
Hitler and Hermann Göring when they overtook the meeting hall used by Bavarian Minister-President Gustav von Kahr and arrested von Kahr and his associates. He was also present in the Feldherrnhalle which followed. Fled to Austria after the failed Putsch, but voluntarily returned to Germany when he heard that Hitler had been imprisoned.
00.04.1924 - 13.12.1924 Sentenced to 8 months’ fortress imprisonment for treason, then imprisoned along with Hitler and other Nazis at Landsberg am Lech. During his imprisonment, he proofread the manuscript of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, contributing many of the ideas on “Lebensraum” (the right of the German people to “living space” in the East).
27.02.1925 Reenrolled in the NSDAP
00.00.1925 - 00.00.1925 Briefly employed as assistant to Generalmajor a.D. Prof. Karl Haushofer in the Deutschen Akademie, München.
01.04.1925 - 00.12.1932 1.Adjutant and Private Secretary to Hitler.
01.11.1925 Given responsibility for the production of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” (Volumes I
and II).
01.11.1925 Joined the SS as a Staffelführer.
00.00.1929 - 31.10.1930 Gau SS-Führer Franken, Niederbayern und Oberbayern (later designated Oberführerbereich “Süd”).
20.07.1929 - 19.07.1934 Persönlicher SS-Adjutant des Führers (Personal SS Adjutant of the Führer; with effect from 01.04.1925).
06.12.1928 Licensed for sport flying with Sportflug GmbH, Fürth.
15.12.1932 - 21.04.1933 Amtsleiter in the Reichsleitung der NSDAP and Chairman of the “Politischen Zentralkommission” (Political Central Commission) of the NSDAP. This post was created after the reorganization of the NSDAP following the resignation of Gregor Strasser.
04.03.1933 - 10.05.1941 Member of the Reichstag (Wahlkreis 29, Leipzig).
00.03.1933 - 12.05.1941 Chairman of the “Ausschusses zur Wahrung der Rechte der Volksvertreter” of the Reichstag.
21.04.1933 - 12.05.1941 “Stellvertreter des Führers” (StdF / Deputy to the Führer [in the leadership of the NSDAP]) and Leiter of the Verbindungsstab (liaison staff) of the NSDAP in Berlin (post of StdF abolished after his flight to England).
21.04.133 - 12.05.1941 Chef of the Parteikanzlei (Party Chancellery). Succeeded by Martin Bormann. 03.05.1933 Authorized the establishment of the Deutschen Arbeits Front (German Labor Front) by Dr. Robert Ley.
02.06.1933 - 20.09.1933 Reichsleiter of the NSDAP. On 20.09.1933, he gave up the rank and used only the title of Stellverter des Führers.
10.07.1933 Set up a Universities Commission to “cleanse and purify the streams of higher
education of unpatriotic and marxist influences”.
26.09.1933 - 00.00.1936 Gave up his rank of SS-Obergruppenführer but retained the right to wear SS uniform. The SS-Dienstalterlisten place him without rank just below Himmler, identifying him as “Durch Verfügung des Führers die Berechtigung zum trages des Dienstanzuges eines SS-Obergruppenführer” (indicating that, by order of the Führer, he was granted the right to wear the service tunic of an SS General). Hess severed all ties with the SS in 1936 as he did not wish to appear to be under Himmler’s orders.
03.10.1933 - 00.12.1933 Chef of the Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP (AO / Foreign Organization of the Nazi Party). Succeeded Dr. Hans Nieland. Hess exercised overall control with Ernst-Wilhelm Bohle actually running the office. Bohle officially took over in 12.1933. The AO remained under the supervision of Hess’ StdF office.
03.10.1933 - 10.05.1941 Member of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht (München).
27.10.1933 Established a Volksdeutsche Rat (Ethnic German Council) with Prof. Karl
Haushofer as Chairman. This body was founded to “strengthen and unify universal Germanism and all relevant questions within the Reich”. The organization was not to be publicized lest it bring about complications in foreign political affairs but was to main permanent contact with German minorities outside the Reich and to serve in an advisory capacity to the German Foreign Office.
01.12.1933 - 10.05.1941 Reichsminister (ohne Geschäftsbereich / without portfolio).
02.12.1933 - 30.08.1939 Member of the Reichsverteidigungsrat (Reich Defense Council).
12.12.1933 - 10.05.1941 Member of the Ältestenrat (senior council) of the Reichstag.
00.02.1932 Together with Wilhelm Frick and Walter Buch, responsible for issuing a Party
directive setting out the guidelines for the Party Courts.
16.04.1934 Ordered the creation of the “Parteiamtlichen Prüfungskommission zum Schutze
des nationalsozialistischen Schriftums” (PPK / Official Party Examining Committee for the Protection of National-Socialist Literature), headed by Philipp Bouhler.
00.05.1934 - 00.07.1934 Bundesführer (m.d.W.d.G.b.) of the Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes (NSDStB / National Socialist German Students’ League).
00.08.1934 - 10.05.1941 Chairman of the Hochschulkommission der NSDAP (Higher schooling
commission of the NSDAP).
07.12.1934 - 10.05.1941 Stellvertreter des Reichskanzlers (deputy to the Reich Chancellor).
00.03.1935 Issued the decree for establishment of compulsory military service.
00.09.1935 Issued an order to all Party agencies to report to the Gestapo anyone criticizing
the Party and State.
15.09.1935 Signed, together with Hitler, Reich Interior Minister Dr. Wilhelm Frick, and
Reich Justice Minister Dr. Franz Gürtner, the “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor”. This law prohibited “marriages between Jews and subjects of German or related blood” as well as “extramarital sexual intercourse between Jews and subjects of German or related blood.” It further forbade Jews from “fly[ing] the national flag of the Reich or display[ing] the national colors.” Punishments for violations of this law included imprisonment and/or fines.
14.06.1935 - 00.00.19__ Member of the Ehrenpräsidium (honorary presidium) of the “Vereins Deutsches Hygiene-Museum e.V.” (Dresden)
23.07.1936 - 30.07.1936 Leiter of the Organizational Committee of the “Weltkongresses für Freizeit und Erholung” in Hamburg.
04.02.1938 - 12.05.1941 Member of the Geheimen Kabinettrat (Secret Cabinet Council).
30.08.1939 - 12.05.1941 Member of the Ministerrat für Reichsverteidigung (Ministerial Council for Reich Defense).
01.09.1939 Officially named as second successor to Hitler (after Hermann Göring).

Flight to Great Britain & Capture / Confinement:
On 10.05.1941 Hess, a highly accomplished sport pilot (placing second in the 1932 air competition “Rund um die Zugspitze” and winning first place in the 1934 “Rund um die Zugspitze”), flew a Messerschmitt Bf-110 from Augsburg to Scotland, parachuting 12 miles from the home of the Duke of Hamilton and suffering a broken ankle; he was captured by a pitch-fork wielding farmer. Hess’s intention was to meet with the Duke of Hamilton (whom he’d met during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, and make peace with the "fellow-Nordics" of Great Britain, but the British were unimpressed, and locked Hess up in the Tower of London until 20.04.1942. He was then moved to Mytchett Palace in Farnborough until 25.06.1942, then to Maindiff Court Hospital in Abergavenny for the duration of the war. The German press announced: “It seemed that Party Member Hess lived in a state of hallucination, as a result of which he felt he would bring about an understanding between England and Germany.... The National-Socialist Party regrets that this idealist fell a victim to his hallucination. This, however, will have no effect on the continuance of the war which has been forced on Germany.”

Postwar Prosecution:
Flown from Abergavenny to Nürnberg, 8.10.1945 for trial before the International Military Tribunal. On trial: 20.11.1945 - 01.10.1946. During the trial, his sanity was in some doubt due to his real or imagined total amnesia. Some thought he was bluffing, but there is little doubt that he suffered some form of mental disorder. He was nonetheless sentenced to life imprisonment, a sentence he was to serve in its entirety. Transferred from Nürnberg Prison to International War Criminal Prison in Berlin-Spandau, 18.07.1947 (where he remained until his death 40 years later). Suicide attempts while in captivity: 15.06.1941 (jumped from a window); 05.02.1945 (stabbed himself in the lower-left chest); 00.00.1959; 00.03.1977 (slashed his wrists).

Published Works:
* Anordnungen des Stellvertreters des Führers (1937)
* Reden (Speeches)
* Gefangener des Friedens (“Prisoner of Peace”)(1953).

Decorations & Awards:
21.04.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
22.10.1915 Bayerische Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz III.Klasse
[00.01.1918 Recommended for the EK I for fighting in Romania, but never received it,
reportedly due to there being none available for his Regiment]
00.07.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
00.00.193_ Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
00.00.1933 Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP
00.00.1934 Blutorden (Nr. 2)
20.04.1937 Gauehrenzeichen “Silberner Adler” des Gaues Thüringen der NSDAP
00.00.1929 Nürnberger Parteitagsabzeichen 1929
00.00.1941 (?) Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Bronze, Silber und Gold
00.00.1933 Totenkopfring der SS
00.00.1933 Winkel für alte Kämpfer

* Son of Fritz Hess, owner of the import-export company Hess & Co. based in Alexandria, Egypt and his wife Clara. The Hess family originated from Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge, Northern Bavaria. His younger brother, Alfred (born 1897 / died 1963), joined the Bavarian Army along with Rudolf on 20.08.1914, and rose to become Stellverteter Gauleiter of the Auslandsorganisation.
* Married in München on 20.12.1927 to Ilse Pröhl (born in Hannover, 22.04.1900 / died 1995; daughter of a Prussian Oberstabsarzt), herself an early member of the NSDAP (with Adolf Hitler and Prof. Karl Haushofer as witnesses). Ilse Hess was still living as of 1979. One son (Wolf-Rüdiger, born 18.11.1937 / died 24.10.2001). Wolf-Rüdiger Hess spearheaded determined but fruitless efforts to have his father released from prison. After Rudolf Hess’s death, his son (who believed the death resulted from foul play rather than suicide) wrote the books Mord an Rudolf Heß? Der geheimnisvolle Tod meines Vaters in Spandau (1989) and Rudolf Heß: ´Ich bereue nichts´ (1994).
* Stated in 06.1934: "The National Socialism of all of us is anchored in uncritical loyalty, in the surrender to the Führer that does not ask for the why in individual cases, in the silent execution of orders." He also described Hitler as "pure reason in human form."
* Described by former Hamburg Gauleiter Albert Krebs as “no silly, primitive, narrow-minded fanatic as portrayed by some but... a man with a sensitivity and gentleness bordering on the pathological. Though he himself was a highly complicated person, he did not want to recognize complexity in other people, things, or decisions since this seemed decadent to him. Unlike Hitler, he was capable of listening calmly to unfamiliar and divergent opinions and of actually suppressing his own opinions. He was also honest and just both for himself and, as far as his influence stretched, for the Party in general. He showed understanding for every attempt to cleanse the Party’s leadership corps of impure elements and to maintain a particularly strict discipline. Unfortunately, his theoretical insight rarely led to practical results.”

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:01 am
by Herr Doktor
My guess is that Hess was kept in prison for so long because of politically damaging information he had (damaging to the Allies, that is) that they did not want to have revealed. I recall reading someplace that British interrogation files and related documents of the Hess flight were classified top secret and were specified not to be declassified until the year 2040, long after most anyone connected with the matter will have been deceased.



Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:00 am
by Alex Dekker
Try these books:
The Hitler/Hess deception British Intelligentice's best-kept secret of the Second World War, written by Martin Allen (London 2003).

And: Double standards The Rudolf Hess cover up, written by Picknett, Prince and Prior (london 2001).

Also nice reading: Hess, a tale of two murders, by Dr. H. Thomas (London 1988).

Read it and believe it (?), if you don't believe it, you've read a sinister story. (well, three of them). I really haven't got any idea if one of these stories could be true, but who knows.


Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:39 am
by SvenW

A few days ago, I saw in a tv-report at Phönix, one of our equivalents of the History Chanel.

They speak of new released informatins about an very very very... secret Secret Service in GB, with the one and only order to desinform the German politicians. A possible separate peace with GB.


Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:51 am
by Alex Dekker
Hi SvenW,

That's what the first two books are about. The first is about secret talks between a few British politicians (who oppossed Churchill) and some nazi-faction. Hess was one of the 'peacekeepers' in Germany. Churchill didn't want peace, so he was glad to have Hess as a prisonor.

The second book is the same as the program. A small group of secret secret servicemen (a sort old boys network), who wanted to disinform the nazi's. Hess was a big fish, bigger then they ever expected. They didn't want a separate peace, all they wanted was to lower the moral of the nazi's. Fascenating stuff indeed!


Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:19 am
by Patrick

Thanks for the book recommendations, I will have to do some reading.

One thing about the last post that makes me wonder - if the British wanted to lower German morale, does it say why didn't they splash Hess' picture on the front page of the papers or put him in newsreels? It seems like a missed propaganda opportunity. Unless, of course, his presence was embarrassing to those that Hess wanted to speak to and they were just as eager to have the whole mess behind them as well...

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:52 am
by Alex Dekker
You've answered your own question. Indeed, Hess could say things about some British politicians. The whole Hess-thing is a bit messy, I think.

Hitler who knew (some things) about the plans of Hess and his flight to England, six weeks before operation Barbarossa (!), but said two days later (after the flight) that Hess was a mad man. Or Hess in Neurenberg: acting like he was insane, then declaring that he was completely normal.

But why didn't Wolf Rüdiger let his DNA compare with the DNA of the Hess in Spandau? So if there was a persondouble of Hess, it would come in the spotlights, right?


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:40 am
by Alex Dekker
Take a look, I've just found it:

Also in English!


Rudolf Hess

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:29 pm
by haen1
And . . . . .to muddy the waters a litlle more: 8) The SON of Hess has publicly stated that the man who was murdered in Spandau was NOT his father. Also the Physician who performed an autopsy could not find any scar tissue of chestwounds from Worldwar One. Next the airplane photographed after he made his landing, in England, was not the plane he took off in.
I see the making of a nice long, winded, contradicting experts, coming on. :D :wink: HN

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:48 am
by Alex Dekker
One of the issues of '40-'45 Toen en Nu (I think its poublished in G-B as '40-'45 Then and Now) stated that there wasn't a second plane. I think it was Hugh Thomas was the one who said something about those planes.

The plane, according to Thomas was a BF 110, D-type. If I do recall the '40-'45 right, it was something like E-type. This one reached Scotland.

There was something about Hess in issue 53. There also was a second article, haven't found that one yet!


PS HaEn, why did you become a new member?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:53 am
by Kameraden
I think you might mean AFTER THE BATTLE.
I have kept 1 issue over the years and it happens to be the Hess Issue.
You can see it here as Issue 58

I actually Visited the farm(About 1 hour from where i live) he landed in about 15 years ago based on the info and maps in this issue and spoke to the Farmer who was only a child on the farm when he Landed.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:05 am
by Alex Dekker
Thanks! In the Dutch versions they don't write the original name of the issues.
