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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:57 am
by Waleed Y. Majeed
he he...
Got a Danish, two Tommies, a Luftschutz and what might be a M40
(modified, non-original liner). A UK "Zuckerman" Civil defence helmet.

Two pairs of German 6x30 Dienstglas binoculars (one with case).

Two German Feldfernsprecher 33 (field telephones - almost complete/functional)
A German gas-mask (no filter) and various brass artillery casings,
M-24 German exercise hand-grenade (not complete), Czech bayonet and various other tit-bits.


PS. Not into reenacting, not really a collector!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:19 pm
by Dragunov
haha, i've changed a tad since then, eh? a year ago...

still no stahlhelm, or change in firearms laws, still not a reenactor (probably will never be)... but i did learn a crucial lesson in treasure-hunting: KNOW YOUR STUFF! i bought a pair of 'soviet WW2' binocs which look awfully post-war eastern bloc (still don't know what they are exactly). grr. and i believed the bloke. AND i could have gotten a Zhukov pocketwatch (no fake!) for a bit less, too! :(

but I am eagerly waiting for the next Militaria show... Lee- Enfield skeleton action trainer for $70? fat chance, but...

conclusion: must get working this summer.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:01 pm
by Brendan Hunt
I really like collecting paper items, and in that catagory, mainly photoalbums.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:58 am
by D_Dutch
I am collecting everthing from the Third Reich era, but my favorite things are Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Hitlerjugend, Waffen SS and Panzer documents and photographs.

Apart from world war two I am collecting:

- Antique books, the oldest one I have is from 1628.
- Old antique photographs (before 1900)
- Photographs from the Dutch Royal Family, I am proudest of 12 never published large photographs from the festivals from the crowning of Queen Wilhelmina in 1898.
- Photo's and autographs of famous American moviestars from before the 1960's.
I am very proud on my autograph of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbank.
- And I am collecting photographs and other stuff that is related to Nijmegen. ( A city in the Neterlands)
- And I also collecting things from the Koninklijke Marine (Dutch Royal Navy) from before 1945, because my great-grandfather was in the navy and I am really interessed in thing he made through.

Sounds weird for a 16 year old, or doesn't it? :wink:
Well, everyone likes something else. :D

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:25 am
by 0202243
I collect nothing... it's just too expensive.
I'm only interested in military tactics and strategies. But when I must choose 1 thing to collect, I would choose to collect some weapons.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:06 pm
by Freebooter
Hello all,
I don't actually collect anything, but as a former reenactor I am putting together a DAK infantryman's impression for my own enjoyment and possibly to dress up a dummy for a display. It is mostly repro stuff other than my rifle and bayonet and E-Tool. It is neat to collect it. I wish I had not have sold or traded all my German WWII stuff when I got out of WWII reenacting, so now I am starting over. So far I have everything the infantry might have worn as far as field equipment, other than the rucksack (I will get that though). Now I must concentrate on putting together the actual uniform, footwear and all. I have the helmet and recently ordered a tunic and cap.

I also have a Japanese set up as far as gear goes. I have the helmet, rifle, bayonet, belt and cartridge pouches, canteen/waterbottle, messkit and haversack/breadbag. I can't find anywhere that sells a Japanese uniform big enough to fit me.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:43 am
by HeinrichFrey
I collect stories and rememberances. Family history at war and in peace. There was a photograph in the guestroom of my grandparents showing my grandgrandgrandmother with a baby. The baby had been the eldest brother of my grand mother. I always wanted to know him. But grandmother said: He died on the last day of WWI near Reims: " Er ist in einem Hohlweg bei Reims verblutet. Seine Kameraden haben ihn zu spät gefunden." I always wanted to know the circumstances. Unknown. This was the first story I collected. About 40 years ago.... I`ll continue collecting.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:56 am
by Annelie
I collect stories and rememberances
To me that is the best collection one can have.
To remember these people is IMHO a show of respect and somehow they will not be forgotten.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:19 pm
by HeinrichFrey
Dear Annelie,
what is IMHO? :?

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:33 pm
by Annelie

IMHO = In my honest opinion


Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:31 pm
by HeinrichFrey
Aha. I thought it was a kind of washingpowder like OMO or IMI. It is horrible watching the brainless trading of war relics and similar objects. Is there no copyright on the swastika?

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:34 pm
by Annelie
Is there no copyright on the swastika?
No, I don't think there can be since the symbol originates from before Christ.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:15 pm
by panzermahn
I collect books regarding German military history of the Second World War. I have really old books and some books send to me by the authors with their dedication which I really treasure very much.

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:06 am
by sebastian
i collect ostfront wehrmacht gear mainly,but there are some things creeping in my collection from lw and km,also some s.s. stuff but thats way too expensive,wehrmacht gear is affordable :-),books: i got some signals and some others like goerring werk und mensch,some other documents,wehrpass and so will see a little grasp of my collection in the picture :wink:

some pics of my just aquired m-40 helmet from the spanishen freiwilligen 250e blaues division,got the medals too as you can see on the pics,the helmet was hard to find,but just got it this weekend,the chinstrap is a repro cause of no chinstrap on the helmet,but im gonna put a original one on it as soon as i find one!

Re: What do you collect?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:09 am
by Wilhelm Kruger
Oh, most generally anything relating to the Heer. 98 Gebirgsjaeger and 7. Infanterie are my personal favorites. Have a cavalry rig, too, and am trying to find or build one of the old ammunition carts. Oh yeah, and guns, too. Like those a lot but can't get too many more, or else the lady would have an apoplexy.