Father Organization Todt Diary October 1942

German auxiliary organizations 1919-1945.
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Father Organization Todt Diary October 1942

Post by canadien »

October 1, Thursday
We get orders from Minsk to move construction team Wahler. Letter to Romi. I am trying in vain to get information from Minsk regarding the move. Nobody bothers. Goods arrive in the evening. Wine, cigarettes, schnapps, tobacco and (can’t read)

October 2, Friday
Couriers are coming from Bryansk. They are bringing goods and money. 2 letters from Romi.

October 3, Saturday
Loading rail road cars, leave Shlobin at 1:45 pm.

October 4, Sunday
We are going to Bryansk.

October 5, Monday
Arrive in Bryansk 12:15 am. Letter from Romi, letter to Romi, 15. Unload. Missing my cook ware.

October 6, Tuesday
Work at the railroad station

October 7, Wednesday
Letter Romi, 16

October 8, Thursday
Letter Felix

October 9, Friday

October 10, Saturday

October 11, Sunday
Letter to Romi, 17

October 12, Monday
I am getting permission to travel to Gritschev and Roslavl to take photos of the graves of the O.T. men who lost their lives there. Loichinger is coming too.

October 13, Tuesday
Leave Bryansk at 7 am for Roslavl

October 14, Wednesday
4 pm arrive Roslavl. The grave is not ready. It is being prepared by the Wehrmacht-Graber-Offizier 56, Feldpost number 44345

October 15, Thursday
Letter Mutti. Senf is coming by car and wants to go to Smolensk on Friday. Several air alarms.

October 16, Friday
I leave at 7 am to go to the railroad station. The train for Gritschew is scheduled to leave at 8 am. I sit for an hour. The train can’t go, the tracks are demolished. Take the train back to Bryansk. Leave at 10 am, arrive at 7 pmn in Br 1, 11 pm in Br 2. Letter from Mutti.

October 17, Saturday
Letter from Jonny and Harry, 4 letters from Romi, military news, parcel.

October 18, Sunday
Letter Romi, 19, parcel.

October 19, Monday
Office work

October 20, Tuesday
Office work, letter Romi, 2 letters from Felix, airmail letter to Felix

October 21, Wednesday

October 22, Thursday
Training and shooting exercises

October 23, Friday
Letter and 2 parcels to Harry

October 24, Saturday
Get together to plan free time. Letter Romi 21

October 25, Sunday
Report to Richter regarding Mogilow. Parcel for Romi, 3. Letter to Mother Fuhrman.

October 26, Monday
Training. Post card from Pfannenbecker and letter from Mutti.

October 27, Tuesday
Test alarm (fire drill). I am communications officer. The number of troops at the HKL (Hauptkampflinie – main combat line) is very large. Postcard to Pfannenbecker, letter to Pfannenbecker, Heini and Romi, 22

October 28, Wednesday
Buenberger is leaving for Smolensk. Singing lessons.

October 29, Thursday
Training and shooting practice. Letter from Felix. Letter to Felix.

October 30, Friday
Parcel 4, to Romi
October 31, Saturday
Distributing goods. Buenberger is back from Smolensk. His brother got killed and he got special leave.
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